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3rd Quarter - 2016
Charts, Bullion News & Commentary

This page was created to help you better understand how the precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, and palladium) and the U.S. Dollar prices moved during this quarter.

On this page, you'll first find 3-year, 1-year, and quarterly charts for each of the precious metals and the U.S. Dollar.

Below the charts, is a list of blog posts made by this guide during the quarter.

Under the Blog posts, you will find Bullion News Headlines from the 3rd Quarter of 2016.

Every news headline was originally posted on this guide's homepage.

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The charts below are provided by the courtesy of


U.S. Dollar

3rd Quarter of 2016 - U.S. Dollar

Quarterly Chart

usdx 3rd quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

3rd Quarter of 2016 - U.S. Dollar

1-Year Chart

usdx 3rd quarter 2016 - 1 year chart

3rd Quarter of 2016 - U.S. Dollar

3-Year Chart

usdx 3rd quarter 2016 - 3 year chart

Bullion News

Price Charts

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Gold Price

Quarterly Chart

gold 3rd quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

Bullion News

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Gold Price

1-Year Chart

gold 3rd quarter 2016 - 1 year chart

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Gold Price

3-Year Chart

gold 3rd quarter 2016 - 3 year chart

Bullion News

Price Charts

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Silver Price

Quarterly Chart

silver 3rd quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

Bullion News

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Silver Price

1-Year Chart

silver 3rd quarter 2016 - 1 year chart

Bullion News

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Silver Price

3-Year Chart

silver 3rd quarter 2016 - 3 year chart

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Price Charts

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Platinum Price

Quarterly Chart

platinum 3rd quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

Bullion News

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Platinum Price

1-Year Chart

platinum 3rd quarter 2016 - 1year chart

Bullion News

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Platinum Price

3-Year Chart

platinum 3rd quarter 2016 - 3year chart

Price Charts

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Palladium Price

Quarterly Chart

palladium 3rd quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

Bullion News

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Palladium Price

1-Year Chart

palladium 3rd quarter 2016 - 1 year chart

Bullion News

3rd Quarter of 2016 - Palladium Price

3-Year Chart

palladium 3rd quarter 2016 - 3 year chart

The charts above are provided by the courtesy of www.stockcharts.com.

3rd Qtr of 2016
Blog Posts

June 26th - Brexit - The Market & Financial Media Got it Wrong – Plus Positive Patterns have formed in Gold, and Silver - Includes charts for July 1st

July 10th - Better than Bonds & ‘Silver’ - Gold’s Erratic Brother

July 18th - Nothing Has Changed from last week, Except

July 24th - What is the Biggest Reason the Fed Won’t Raise Rates before Election Day

August 1st - Janet Yellen Doesn’t Surprise

August 7th - A Rising Wedge is Showing in the U.S. Dollar’s Chart…again

August 21st - Gold’s Chart is Showing a Positive Chart Pattern… Bullion Market Weekly Out-Look

August 28th  - Insanity is ‘Managing this Market’ — Plus, Bullion Market Weekly Out-Look

September 4th - First Week of September  —  Bullion Market Review & Weekly Out-Look

September 11th - The Federal Reserve is Cornered, now more than ever… (Plus) Bullion Market Review & Weekly Out-Look

September 18th - Expect Gold to Move After Wednesday (09/21) at 2pm…  (Plus) Bullion Market Review & Weekly Out-Look

September 25th - Gold & Silver Trend-lines… One Last One to Break (Plus) Bullion Market Review & Weekly Out-Look

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

3rd Quarter - 2016
Bullion News & Commentary

The Quarterly News starts with the end of the quarter articles, first.

The Headlines without links, had the link removed from its original source; the Headlines was kept on the page due to relevancy.

09/30/2016 - Bullion News

CNBC - Rick Santelli "You can't Wall Paper over Termites Forever"

Bloomberg - Summers Floats Idea of Sustained Government Stock Purchases

tweet : Robert Leahy - The Market Barometer...

GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - September 30, 2016

Money Metals Exchange - Gold & Silver Steady amid Bad News at Deutsche Bank & Wells Fargo

king5 - Top 5 Most Popular Bullion Coins rated by global sales

GOLD NANO : DIABETES RESEARCH : ProActive Investors - Midatech starts first clinical trial using gold nanoparticles

09/29/2016 - Bullion News

Midas Letter - Get ready for the Great Unravelling: How the World Economy is Failing

Reuters - Yellen says Fed purchases of stocks, corporate bonds could help in a downturn

CHART : King One Eye - Looks Like It's Time for Fed to Talk Up Another Rate Hike!

AUDIO : FSN - Danielle Park – Deutsche Bank Headed for a Fall?

Market Watch - Deutsche Bank shareholders in for more pain

NANO TECH : CANCER RESEARCH : Medical News Today - Ultrasmall Nano-Particles Kill Cancer Cells in Unusual Way

CHARTS : Bloomberg - Why People Have Been Worrying About Deutsche Bank, in 12 Charts

VIDEO : CNBC - As Pressure is building for Germany to show it's ready to rescue Deutsche Bank

Bloomberg - As Heavy-Truck Sales Go, So Goes the Economy

VIDEO : The Felder Report - MUST WATCH: Former Fed Senior Economist On Central Bank Independence And The Public’s Trust

Value Walk - What Is Safe & What Is Scary In Investment Markets: Fright Night – IceCap

INVEZZ - Canadian Gold Maple Leaf Coins as a Bullion Investment

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09/28/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : Bloomberg - This is for those who are still not sure if the Fed has a Political Bias

Reuters - ECB President: Mario Draghi Dictates

Project Syndicate - The Perils of Debt Complacency

DiMartino Booth - Passive Investors Unite: We Blind Mice

U.S. Global Investors - How Gold Came to South Korea’s Rescue

BullionStar - How Constant Is Gold’s Purchasing Power?

Money Metals Exchange - 2017: Gold and Silver's Year of "Public Recognition"

CoinWorld - Where will platinum bar and coin investment demand end in 2016?

Economic Policy Journal - Venezuela Crisis: I Flew to U.S. to Buy Toilet Paper

09/27/2016 - Bullion News

SafeHaven - The Free Market Always Prevails by Michael Pento

Casey Research - You Better Get Used to Negative Interest Rates

Business Insider - No One is Buying Deutsche Bank's 'Comfortable' Story

GoldBroker - Merkel Rules Out Bailout For Deutsche Bank: Depositor Bail-In Coming Up?

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Medical Express - Tackling Tumors: Researcher using nanotechnology to target inoperable tumors from the inside out

CoinNews - Gold Ends at 1-Week Low, Silver Drops; US Mint Bullion Sales Rise

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Yellen's Arcade

Reuters - Fed's Kashkari says no U.S. rate hike was right move

Daily Reckoning - Only Days Until World Money Changes Forever

Mirror (UK) - Could your small change be worth a fortune? The £50 Kew Gardens 50p and other valuable coins

CoinWorld - How did Roman coins from the fourth century get to a castle in Japan?

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09/26/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Citigroup sounds Bullish and Confused (at the same time) on Gold's Future.

The Dollar Vigilante - Helicopter Money Coming’ – Exclusive Interview With Top Hedge Fund Manager Tom Conrad

Juggling Dynamite - Global liquidity crunch spreading amid mean reverting demand and trade

Market Watch - Investing in gold is the best ‘speculative’ bet there is today

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Snail's Pace

Casey Research - “The Time Has Come to Leave the Dance Floor”

Sputnik News - China Faces Banking Crisis After $2 Trillion Mountain of Toxic Debt Exposed

Business Insider - This early warning indicator of looming financial risks is flashing red for China

Hussman Funds - Structural Growth and Dope Dealers on Speed-Dial

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - August New Home Sales Down to 7.6% Month-over-Month, But... Better Than Forecasted

Market Watch - This Week's List of Major U.S. Economic Reports

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09/25/2016 - Bullion News

Kitco - The Chinese Yuan: Does October 1 Spell Doom For the U.S. Dollar?

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Jim covers the “US’s Unspoken Crisis” — public pensions which are being massively underfunded

The Telegraph - UN fears third leg of the global financial crisis - with prospect of epic debt defaults

ETF News Daily - Russia Bought 24 Tons of Gold in August

BullionStar - Blood Brothers: The Bank of England and the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA)

HyperAllergic - Waiting to Pee in “America,” for the Working $2.5 million Gold Toilet at the Guggenheim Mueseum

09/23/2016 - Bullion News

CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Gold around Elections

Casey Research - Doug Casey’s 9 Secrets for Successful Speculation

Bullion Vault - Ignore the Fed: Sell Stocks, Buy Gold

AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Gold & Silver Surge on Federal Reserve Smoke & Mirrors

GoldReporter - Marc Faber: "Central Banks are Printing Money to Collapse"

CHART : tweet : Jesse Felder - Publicly: 'No concerns about Deutsche Bank.' & Privately: 'WTFickst are we gonna do about this?'

GoldBroker - "Deutsche Bank May Ultimately Need A State Bailout" - Handelsblatt

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Straight From the Horse’s Mouth: “We Will Eliminate Your Cash”

INFOGRAPHIC : GoldSilverWorlds - Where to Find the World’s Greatest Treasures

NuWire Investor - Brexit, Bonds, Banks - Is Now the Best Time to Buy Gold?

NANO TECH : openPR - Demand for novel drug delivery systems are driving the Nanotechnology Market to reach US$ 11.9 Bn in 2023

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09/22/2016 - Bullion News

SafeHaven - Lemmings Only Function in The Stock Market is to Serve as Cannon Fodder

Project Syndicate - The New Norm - 'Helicopter Money Is in the Air'

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Antrhopology - Season's Greetings

NewsMax - Pension Funds Face Day of Reckoning as Investment Returns Lag

True Wealth - Why you should ignore the Fed chatter and look at the context

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Springer Link - In situ synthesis of graphene oxide/gold nanorods theranostic hybrids for efficient tumor computed tomography imaging and photothermal therapy

Numismaster - Gray areas in tax exemption law

GIF : tweet : Pedro de Costa - Inflation Targeting

Market Watch - Why the Fed is losing credibility

The Toronto Star - Once Upon A City: Mysterious Gold Bullion Heist Still Unsolved

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09/21/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : CNBC - Brilliant Breakdown of the Fed's Mindset > Jim Grant: The pretense of knowledge

VIDEO : CNBC - The Fed's Groupies are "Confused" - Gross: I'm 'verklempt' over Fed announcement

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Deviant Investor - Grand Ascension or Great Collapse?

Business Insider - The first really meaningful and massive Chinese bankruptcy has arrived

Dana Lyons - European Bank Woes Resurface

U.S. Global Investors - The War on Cash Is Still Good for Gold

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Hangin' On

Ottawa Citizen - Canadian Mint employee accused of smuggling $180K of gold in his rectum

09/20/2016 - Bullion News

Rick Rule - Bonds or Precious Metals

VIDEO : Sprott Money - Rick Rule: Bonds or Precious Metals - Maurice Jackson - Link to Video Above

Columbia ThreadNeedle - Four Elements of a Bond Market Bubble

CoinNews - Gold Inches Higher; Bullion 2016 Silver Eagles Top 30M

POLL : Hedgeye - Poll of the Day: Will The Fed Raise Rates This Week?

WolfStreet - “Or We’ll Lose the Whole Middle Class”: Gallup CEO

Business Insider - DEUTSCHE BANK: All of our recession indicators are flashing red right now, but ...

09/19/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : Hedgeye - Beware of Fed’s ‘Blunt Instrument To The Face’

FAKE BULLION ALERT : Numismatic News - Gold Coin Counterfeits Cause for Concern

True Wealth - How Every Decision Can Make You Richer – or Poorer

GOLD NANO : CANCER THERAPY : Nasdaq - Nanotechnologies and bioplastic to diagnose and combat tumours. Bio-on researchers on the job

The New York Times - A Sour Surprise for Public Pensions: Two Sets of Books

GoldBroker - Not Everyone Went Down With The Titanic

Bloomberg - Invasion of the Tech Borrowers

Advisor Perspectives - Household Incomes: The Decline of the "Middle Class"

Bloomberg - Debt Mismatch Leaves Emerging Nations Exposed to Shock, BIS Says

MINING FRAUD : Essex Live (UK) - Brentwood company that ran fake gold mine investment scheme is shut down

Business Insider - Bitcoin is Money, U.S. Judge says

The Daily Beast - The Greatest Shipwrecks Still Out There

09/18/2016 - Bullion News

Business Insider - The World's Biggest Hedge Fund is Worried the Federal Reserve could Mess Up Everything

BAWERK - The Road to Fascism in Just Two Charts

AUDIO : Peak Prosperity - Michael Pento: The Coming Bond Bubble Collapse

SRSrocco Report - THE DISINTEGRATION OF U.S. INFRASTRUCTURE: Quarter Million Water Main Breaks A Year

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Hues News - Gold Isn’t Just for Olympic Medals – We’re Now Using It to Boost Cancer Therapies

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Our unelected central planners don't appear to have the faintest clue what's really going on

CHARTS : Econimica - The Myth That America's Superior Demographics Can Save It

Wolf Street - Italian Banking Crisis Turns into Mission Impossible

The Sovereign Investor - A Sovereign Treasure Map

CoinWorld - Crack-Out Fun with Power Tools: Performing Slab ‘Surgery’

09/16/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : SAXO Group - Precious Metals on Defensive Ahead of Busy Central Bank Week

VIDEO : ValueWalk - Jim Grant On BOE Decision: Brexit Wasn’t The Lehman Moment Some Projected

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Will soft equities work their Fed magic again?

Business Insider - Inflation in America is All About 2 Things

INFOGRAPHIC : BullionStar - The Indian Gold Market

GOLD NANO : AZO nano - Researchers Develop New Hybrid Nanoparticle by Combining Gold and Rust Nanoparticles

Nasdaq - Former Fed Economist Blasts Central Banks ''Frankenstein Lab'' of Policy

Sunshine Profits - Which Presidents Have Been Best for the Gold Market?

Peak Prosperity - The Importance Of Perseverance

CoinWorld - As the rooster crows: Perth Mint unveils 2017 Lunar calendar coins

Yahoo - JM Bullion Partners with Emporium Hamburg to Launch 2017 Silver Elephants

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09/15/2016 - Bullion News

Sunshine Profits - Monetary Policy, Financial Cycle, Ultra-Low Rates and Gold

CoinWorld - 2016 sales of 5-ounce silver bullion quarter dollars second only to 2011

Numismatic News - Is Cash a Curse?

True Wealth - Gold is flat. Gold mining stocks collapse. What’s next?

CNBC - Why everyone needs to pay attention to the bond market

CHART : Meb Faber - Not Your Father's, Grandfather's or Your Great Grandfather's Market - Longest Bull, Ever?

POLL : Hedgeye - Which Word Below BEST Reflects Your Opinion of the Fed?

CHARTS : Doug Short - U.S. Household Incomes: A 49-Year Perspective

VIDEO : CNBC - CNBC's Rick Santelli discusses bond prices and yields.

RBTH (Russia) - Moscow Fraudsters Receive Phony $215,000 for 22 lbs of Fake Gold

The Bullion Desk - CME to seize on popularity of gold/silver ratio with new futures

09/14/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli: Fed Enablers and Rates

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Shelter From The Storm

DiMartino Booth - U.S. Household Finances – It Only Looks Like the Good Life

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - NFIB: Small Business Survey: "No Signs of Strength in the Small Business Sector"

Zero Hedge - Venezuela's "Death Spiral" - A Dozen Eggs Cost $150 As Hyperinflation Horrors Hit Socialist Utopia

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - Visualizing the Size of the U.S. National Debt

FAKE BULLION ALERT : Channel NewsAsia (Singapore) - Four men arrested for pawning fake Perth Mint gold bars

09/13/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO(s) : Juggling Dynamite - Debt Magic is Dead: Mean-Reversion Overdue

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Confidence Waning in Central Banks’ Ability, Rogoff Says

VIDEO : CNBC - Paul Singer on the Markets

Casey Research - Here’s What the Government Did With Your Social Security Money

SILVER NANO TECH : Sci-News - Researchers Create Record-Breaking Silver Nanoparticles

Money Metals Exchange - There Is Only One Right Way to Do a Precious Metals IRA

SureMoney - The Most Disturbing Thing Central Banks Are Doing Right Now

The Deviant Investor - Gold and United States Imported Oil

CoinWorld - What happened to all those spilled Lincoln cent planchets?

Daily Mail - Florida man who used remote-controlled pepper-spray bombs to steal $4.8M of gold and silver bullion in 'Breaking-Bad'-style security truck heist gets more than 11 years in prison

09/11/2016 - Bullion News

US News & World Report - Failure to Communicate - The Federal Reserve should justify the inclination to raise interest rates.

The Wall Street Journal - Hostage to a Bull Market

CoinWorld - Worst Buys in Online Auctions

CNBC - Anti-gold wealth manager buys gold for the first time

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - SPY: Finally a Breakdown

AUDIO : Financial Sense - The Recession That Isn’t

VIDEO : RT - Danielle DiMartino Booth - Fed on hold over manufacturing

Cobden Centre - It’s easy to criticise the Fed for its failures, because its successes have been only one in number: kicking the can down the road.

Peak Prosperity - If Everything's Doing So Great, How Come I’m Not?

Value Walk - Who Is Benjamin Graham?

09/09/2016 - Bullion News

Hedgeye - Mr. Rosengren, What Are You Thinking?

The Telegraph - US Recession Jitters Stoke Fears of Impotent Fed and Fiscal Paralysis

CHART : tweet : SoberLook - US consumer credit (excluding mortgages) as % of the GDP over the past 70 years

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Connecting the Dots - 9/9/16

VIDEO : Perth Mint Blog - Year of the Rooster bullion coins available from today

Forbes - Acid Treatment Could Save Hundreds Of Tons Of Gold From E-Waste

VIDEO : USA TODAY - Watch: A balding Matthew McConaughey goes for 'Gold' in new trailer

09/08/2016 - Bullion News

Money Metals Exchange - Fiction, Fairy Tales, and Fiat

VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli - The Cost of Policy "Value vs. Ponzi"

Futures Magazine - ECB Planning QE Redesign but More Stimulus Unlikely

Reuters - Gold dips as ECB refrains from extending QE programme

Market Slant - If You are Bullish Gold, Buy Silver- Analyst

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Tech Times - Scientists Made This Laser Using Human Blood, And It Might Help Fight Cancer In The Future

Value Walk - Kolanovic: A Small Bit Of Volatility Could Cause A Tidal Wave Of Stock Selling

Gavekal Capital - The VIX (Volatility) is Probably Set To Increase On The Margin

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Common Man is “Mad as Hell & Not Going to Take Anymore”!

BullionStar - China’s Rising Gold ETF Market: A Hybrid

CoinWorld - Fort Moutrie (Fort Sumter National Monument) quarter dollar ceremony Nov. 17

CoinUpdate - British Virgin Islands Launch New Bullion Coin Featuring Greek Myths and Gods

09/07/2016 - Bullion News

Forbes - Buying Gold Or Coins In An IRA Creates Possession Issues

Alhambra Investment Partners - Factory Orders Make No Sense To ‘Full Employment’ On Any Level

Trading Floor - Gold Surges as Hawkish Talk Gives Way to Recession Rears

CANCER RESEARCH : Inside Sources - Kids Are Gold and Deserve a Life Without Cancer

Bloomberg - Cash in a Box Catches On as Swiss Negative Rates Bite

The Felder Report - CASH: The Most Hated Asset Class On The Planet

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli on Fed Biege Book: 'Moderate' isn't good

Notes from Underground - In Preparation For Things To Come

CoinWorld - Another large gold nugget has been discovered, and this time it’s in the U.S.

09/06/2016 - Bullion News

ValueWalk - Gold’s Best-Kept Secret

Money Metals Exchange - The Sidelines Could Be More Dangerous Than Getting on the Field

VIDEO : Perth Mint Blog - Introducing the 2017 Australian Gold & Silver Bullion Coin Program for investors

Market Watch - Gold ends near 3-week high as dollar sinks

SRSrocco Report - This One Chart Should Drive Investors Into Buying Gold & Silver

The Speculative Investor - Is the US economy too weak for a Fed rate hike?

CHARTS : Zero Hedge - One Trillion Euros Spent & This Is What Draghi Has To Show For It

GoldBroker - Deutsche Bank Refuses Delivery Of Physical Gold Upon Demand

The Deviant Investor - All Time Highs and Lows … and the Great Collapse

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Jim Puplava’s Big Picture: On the Record (Part 2)

TownHall - American Gold Eagle Sales Pop 67% in August

09/04/2016 - Bullion News

Peak Prosperity - Sorry Losers! - How the Fed has Screwed the Many to Benefit the Few

Daily Mail - UK - 'Fire of cuts' sweeps savings market: Savers 'devastated' by 354 rate cuts in August that send average interest below 0.5%

The Telegraph - Why low interest rates are now doing more harm than good

Kitco - The Real Reason Gold Is Up 25% In 2016

CHARTS : Enonimica - Chinese Buy Gold, Sell Treasury's...Should You?

Sputnik News - US National Debt Reaches Record High, But No One Knows How to Handle it

BAWERK - Two Simple Charts Explaining Everything

SAXO Group - WCU: NFP supports gold, but dollar remains a concern

Business Insider - It's Time to Think About Higher Inflation

Alhambra Investment Partners - Economists Just Now Finding Evidence Against Money Printing That Markets Settled On Years Ago

09/02/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: A political reality regarding the Fed

DiMartino Booth - The Dirty Harry Jobs Report

cnsnews - Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,932,000

Reuters - Festive-buying spurs Asian gold demand; Indian discounts narrow

BAWERK - Mission Creep – How the Fed will justify maintaining its excessive balance sheet

Econimica - If Federal Reserve Doesn't Re-Implement QE, a Spread Inversion (& Economic Dislocation) is Imminent

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Diane Coyle on GDP: Rethinking the Uncountable

Wolf Street - Worst Plunge in Canada’s GDP since 2009

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09/01/2016 - Bullion News

IMAGES : CoinNews - 2017 America the Beautiful Quarter and Coin Designs Selected

CoinNews - Gold, Silver, and US Mint Bullion Coins Log Gains in September Start

Energy & Capital - The U.S. national debt is projected to hit $20 trillion exactly 212 days from today...

Personal Liberty - Gold and silver outrun all paper currencies

SLIDESHOW : U.S. Global Investors - A Brief History of Silver Production and Application

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : NewScientist - Laser made from human blood could help hunt down tumours

PLATA - The Night That Is Upon Us and the Dawn of a New Era by Hugo Salinas Price

Business Insider - The World's Biggest Hedgefund Expects a Bust in China

The Tenth Amendment Center - The Time Is Right for State Gold and Silver Depositories

AUDIO : TF Metals Report - A2A with Alasdair Macleod of GoldMoney

Midas Letter - Federal Reserve’s vice-chairman says negative rates are ‘working.’ In what way?

AUDIO : FSN - Chris Vermeulen – Gold Looking Good and Moving on to New Record Highs

BullionStar - What Are These Huge Tonnages In “Precious Metals” On Chinese Commercial Bank Balance Sheets?

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08/31/2016 - Bullion News

DiMartino Booth - The U.S. Economy: Bad Moon Rising

Notes from Underground - “Do You Presume To Criticize The Great Oz?!?!” (Or Stanley Fischer)

CARTOON : Hedgeye - StrikeOut?

VIDEO : SAXO Group - Gold Market Technical Analysis

CoinWorld - U.S. Mint sells last 2016 American Eagle platinum bullion coins

NANO TECH : medGadget - Nanotechnology Drug Delivery Market – Oncology to Emerge as the Largest Application Segment

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - NYSE Margin Debt and the Market

Bloomberg - Stressed Debt Markets Wave Red Flags

BullionVault - Why We Just Sold Platinum

Business Insider - James Rickards - The Pros and Cons of Bitcoin

Yahoo Finance - A-Mark Precious Metals Acquires Majority Stake in SilverTowne Mint

8/31: The News has not been Updated for the last two days because my Father needed urgent medical attention Monday evening,
the News will be Updated tonight.

08/28/2016 - Bullion News

CHARTS : OtterWood Capital - Historical Gold Bull Markets

SRSrocco Report - GOLD & DEBT: The 1929 Great Depression vs The Next Great Collapse

CFA Institute - Is There a Bond Market Bubble?

The Economist - The Jackson Four

CHARTS : Fact Set - S&P 500 Earnings Decline for Fifth Consecutive Quarter

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Jim Puplava’s Big Picture: On The Record (Part 1)

BullionStar - Dutch Central Bank Refuses To Publish Gold Bar List For Dubious Reasons

08/26/2016 - Bullion News

GoldSeek- The GLD vs GOLD

TRANSCRIPT : CNBC - Full Text : Janet Yellen's Jackson Hole Speech

CHARTS : Zero Hedge - Stocks Plunge, VIX Spikes After "Hawk Cop" Fischer Spoils "Dove Cop" Yellen's Party

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : CoExist - A Better Cancer-Killing Nano-Particle Bullet, Created By A 16-Year-Old

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Real Investment Advice - The Coin Flip Market

Econimica - Why Millennials, by the Numbers, Can't & Won't Grow the US Out of Trouble

AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Michael Pento Exclusive: Low Yields, High Inflation to Force People into Gold

GOLD FRAUD : NJ.com - Man who made $100K on fake gold import scheme headed to prison

GOLD FRAUD : Public Opinion - California woman accused of scam involving fake gold, sob story

CoinWeek - World Coin News – Pobjoy Mint and Isle of Man to Split

08/25/2016 - Bullion News

Bloomberg - Gold Believers From Soros to UBS Lose Faith in Mining-Share Gain

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Fed-Induced Hyperventilation

Market Watch - ‘Rich Dad’ author Robert Kiyosaki: If You’re Investing (in Stocks) for the Long Term, ‘You’re Crazy’

The Felder Report - The Greatest Money Manager Alive Attributes The Majority His Success To Just This One Thing

Econimica - American Demographics Bad But Developed World is Horrific - Will US Fare Relatively Better?

Sure Money - Here’s Why High Yield Bonds Are Much Riskier Than Most Investors Realize

CoinWorld - Australian man unearths 145-ounce gold nugget found using metal detector

08/24/2016 - Bullion News

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Part 2) Doug Noland – The Consequences of Massive Debt

Market Watch - The unrelenting hunt for yield may end in tears, says James Grant

DiMartino Booth - A New Monetary Policy Framework? Old Faithful Meets the ‘New Normal’

Midas Letter - George Orwell’s ‘negative yield’ doublespeak portends another financial crisis brewing

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : VIDEO : OncLive - Dr. Lee on Nanotechnology Combination Therapy in RCC

Hedgopia - Stock Buybacks Decelerate In 2Q16 – Likely Trend Reversal

Hedgeye - Japan: A Case Study In The Folly Of Central Planning & Dogmatic Economic Thinking


Sovereign Man - Four more mega-banks join the anti-dollar alliance

VIDEO : CNBC - The Santelli Exchange: Markets & monetary policy

08/23/2016 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Rebounds Slightly; US Mint Bullion Sales Rise

Reuters - CME Group Suspends (Gold) Trader for Spoofing

CHART : tweet : John Authers - U.S. Pensions Returns and Liabilities

AUDIO : FT - Explaining the Global Pension Crisis

NewsWire - Inc 5000 Names SD Bullion to List of 500 Fastest Growing Companies

GOLD NANO : NanoWerk - Nanoparticle that Mimics Salmonella Counteracts Chemotherapy Resistance

The Globe and Mail - Gold’s revival forging new fortunes for pawn shops and scrap recyclers

Trader Planet - Will New Money Market SEC Rules Kick Off Another 08’ Style Liquidity Crisis?

Bloomberg - Ten Reasons Why Bank of America Thinks U.S. Stocks Have an 'Elevated Risk of Correction'

Market Watch - Fed’s new Facebook ‘friends’ slam central bank for ‘monetary enslavement and currency destruction’

The Bubba Show - Does the Fed Have Any Value?

Bullion Star - Song Xin: Increase Gold Reserves And Join SDR.

BBC - Japan May Use E-Waste for 2020 Medals

HEART : Inside Edition - Olympian Auctions Off Medal From Rio to Raise Money for Cancer-Stricken Boy

08/22/2016 - Bullion News

CoinWorld - How do sales of 1-ounce gold American Eagles in 2016 compare to last year?

Bloomberg - Gold's Rally Means Old Rings Are Headed to the Melting Pot

CHARTS : Gavekal Capital - Gold Is At Extreme Correlations Against Stocks, Bonds and Oil

VIDEO : CNBC - For clues on Janet Yellen's Jackson Hole speech, pay attention to comments from the San Fran Fed's John Williams, says Tony Nash of Complete Intelligence

GOLD NANO : ALZHEIMER'S RESEARCH : Real Investment Advice - A tiny ball of gold could help fight Alzheimer’s - Gold and polyethylene glycol are both popular choices for nanoparticles. Gold is nontoxic and stable, while polyethylene glycol also adds stability

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Real Investment Advice - Bulls, Bears & The Broken Clock Syndrome

Midas Letter - Financial repression, misinformation increasingly the principle tools of central banks

GOLD FRAUD : Herald Mail Media (Chambersburg, PA) - Chambersburg Police Search for Woman in Fake Jewelry Scam

The Deviant Investor - The Inflation Imperative

Mises Institute - The Blessing of Cash

08/21/2016 - Bullion News

AUDIO : Financial Sense - What the Media Aren’t Telling You - Jim Puplava Describes in Detail the Financial Truths of the U.S. Markets.

CHARTS : Value Walk - 6 Charts -Why Gold Is Going Higher

tweet : DiMartino Booth - No Truer Words....

IRONY : Bloomberg - Morgan Stanley, Board Accused in Suit of 401(k) Self-Dealing

Hedgeye - The Carnage Continues: Italian Bank Stocks Crushed (Again)

Bloomberg - Where Median Incomes Have Fallen the Most

INFOGRAPHIC : BullionStar - The Chinese Gold Market

Sputnik News - Why Rothschild is Shifting From US Dollars to Gold, 'Other Currencies'

LiverPool Echo - The (UK) coins in your pocket that could be worth a fortune

08/19/2016 - Bullion News

Dana Lyons - Investor Complacency Is Smashing Records

USA Today - Are Dow Transports a dark signal for the economy?

CoinWorld - When and where the Theodore Roosevelt National Park quarter will be launched

Zero Hedge - Dallas Cops' Pension Fund Nears Insolvency In Wake Of Shady Real Estate Deals, FBI Raid

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : University of Toronto - Multi-functional, Modular Nano-Particles Could Help Fight Cancer

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Projections

International Man - Decline of Empire: Parallels Between the U.S. and Rome, Part V

Bullion Star - The World’s largest Precious Metals Refineries

South China Morning Post - Valuable hauls: Hong Kong customs officers step up border inspections after surge in gold and silver seizures

McClellan Financial - Gold Bound To The Yen

BAWERK - Toward Stagflation

08/18/2016 - Bullion News

U.S. Global Investors - Gold Spending in India Is Set to Get a Boost from a Strong Monsoon Season

PIMCO - PIMCO is waiting for some Truth to come from the Fed (Guide Note: They'll be waiting a long time)

CoinWorld - What does research firm say about investing in palladium?

Sprott Money - Arizona Considering Issuing a Gold Bond

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - Olympic Gold Medals Have Almost Zero Gold in Them

Money Metals Exchange - Important Questions Answered: Why You Need Bullion for Preparedness

What Investment - Lord Rothschild: Why I've sold hundreds of millions of pounds worth of shares, and bought gold

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08/17/2016 - Bullion News

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Part 1) Doug Noland – The Consequences of Massive Credit

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange - There are More Signs in the Market that the Federal Reserve is Losing Credibility

Dimartino Booth - In a Fed Meeting Minute, Everything Can Change

FAKE BULLION ALERT : Courier Mail (Australia) - Brisbane Gold Scam: Criminals Target SouthSide with Fake Ancient Chinese Artefacts

BAWERK - Stupid is What Stupid Does – Secular Stagnation Redux

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Felder Report - Gold Is Standing At The Crossroads

BullionStar - Spectacular Chinese Gold Demand 2015 Fully Denied By GFMS And Mainstream Media

Numismatic News - No Gold for You, Paper

The Deviant Investor - The Preservation of Perks, Privileges, and Power: The PPPP

Economic Calendar - Platinum Prices in Pull-Back Mode After Surge to 15-Month High

RTN (India) - India's Federal Bank Starts Distributing MMTC Gold Coins

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08/16/2016 - Bullion News

SAXO Group - Video - Weak Dollar Boosts Gold: Hansen

VIDEO : SAXO Group - Weak dollar boosts gold: Hansen - link to video above

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli: US dollar to yen is the big story (Guide Note: Gold & the Yen move in the same direction)

OPINION : Market Watch - Here’s how you know the stock market is hugely overvalued

NANO-PARTICLE : CANCER RESEARCH : University of Toronto - U of T researchers discover how the liver prevents nano-particles from reaching cancer cells

CoinNews - Gold Logs Biggest Gain in 2 Weeks

VIDEO : CNBC - Peter Boockvar, The Lindsey Group explains why investors should keep an eye on Japan's government-sponsored bonds for equity signals

Sovereign Man - FDIC slams biggest US banks, says capital reserves “inadequate”

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Why We Could Be 'Very Close' to a Global Recession

CARTOON : Hedgeye - The Financial Market Olympics

08/14/2016 - Bullion News

MINING - RBC Adds $200 to its Gold Price Forecast

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : SAXO Group - Riding the primary trend in gold

CHART : Dana Lyons - Can Gold Vault Over This Key Level?

True Wealth - Why the Biggest Myth about Saving is Wrong

tweet : Patrick Watson - Here in 3 Paragraphs that Shows Why NIRP is Not Working and Central Banks Clueless.

AUDIO : Financial Sense - The New Abnormal - The Age of Uncertainty

Energy & Capital - Silver is Hamburger, Gold is Steak

The Guardian - Treasure hunters resume search for alleged Nazi gold train

08/12/2016 - Bullion News

Sharps Pixley - Gold and silver prices choppy in thin markets by Lawrie Williams

Juggling Dynamite - Understanding the waves of the 2000-2016 financial crisis

Bloomberg - The Titanic Risks of the Retirement System

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Inside Futures - Silver Marking Time

Reuters - Exclusive: Wall St. Banks Ask Fed for Five More Years to Comply with Volcker Rule

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Broken relationships

Midas Letter - Gold demand surging, fuelling new gold investment products

GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - August 12, 2016

MINING - UK Royal Mint sees major gold rush in wake of interest rate cut

Wolf Street - When Will the Record Corporate “Debt Binge” Collapse?

08/12: Sharps Pixley - Gold and silver prices choppy in thin markets by Lawrie Williams

08/12: Juggling Dynamite - Understanding the waves of the 2000-2016 financial crisis

08/12: Bloomberg - The Titanic Risks of the Retirement System

08/12: TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Inside Futures - Silver Marking Time

08/12: Reuters - Exclusive: Wall St. Banks Ask Fed for Five More Years to Comply with Volcker Rule

08/12: VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Broken relationships

08/12: Midas Letter - Gold demand surging, fuelling new gold investment products

08/12: GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - August 12, 2016

08/12: MINING - UK Royal Mint sees major gold rush in wake of interest rate cut

08/12: Wolf Street - When Will the Record Corporate “Debt Binge” Collapse?

08/11/2016 - Bullion News

GoldSeek - Gold Investment Demand Reaches Record In First Half 2016 On “Perfect Storm”

World Gold Council - Gold Demand Trends Q2 2016 - Links to the Full Report

AUDIO : Real Investment Advice - Interview: Danielle DiMartino-Booth On Fed Policy & Jobs

Bloomberg - Europe's Credit Investors Are Seeing Bubbles and Still Adding Risk

McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Bond Kings Gross & Gundlach Strongly Suggest Gold

CoinWorld - Seeing double on 2016 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park 5-ounce silver

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Commodities Countdown - (GDX) Ever Been Hit With A Gold Brick?

AUDIO : SGT Report - Interview w/ David Morgan

True Wealth - This is why bitcoin will never, ever replace gold

U.S. Global Investors - The Olympic Games Reflect Our Love of Gold

08/10/2016 - Bullion News

08/10: Precious Metals Rally Resume but Resistance Lurking: Hansen

VIDEO : SAXO Group - Precious metals rally resume but resistance lurking: Hansen - link to video above

Dimartino Booth - The U.S. Consumer: Are the Jetsons’ Jets Still On?

Enterprising Investor - James Grant: Negative Interest Rates Will End — Badly

Prophacy Dev. - Gold to Thrive in a Fiat Ponzi with Negative Yield

CHART : Business Insider - Here's the most important chart in the world that no one is talking about

tweet : Bloomberg - Negative Yields Have Turned Bond Trading Into a Commodity Market

tweet : GoldSeek - The Charade Continues – London Gold and Silver Markets set for even more paper trading

tweet : StockCats /Rudolf E. Havenstein - What the Financial Media, the Fed, Wall Street & Politician ONLY Care About

08/08/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - GOLD: Double Top Stall - Good Read

CHARTS : Econimica - JAPANSANITY...or Why Japan's Yen Will Likely Only Get Stronger As Japan Prints More Money "BTW - As the Yen strengthens, gold rises...something to keep in the back of your head?"

The Corner - BoJ, ECB and now BoE: anything is possible with economic policy

Hedgeye - Fed Perpetuated Problem? Fed Study Finds Many Americans Have Negative Wealth

U.S. Global Investores - The Last Known Gold Deposit

CoinNews - Gold, Silver and Palladium Fall Slightly; US Mint Coin Sales Rise

GoldReporter - China's gold reserves increased to 1,828 tonnes in July

AUDIO : Peak Prosperity - Daron Acemoglu: Why Nations Fail

Business Insider - The World's Richest People are Frightened

08/07/2016 - Bullion News

Bloomberg - Bond Market’s Big Illusion Revealed as U.S. Yields Turn Negative

AUDIO : Financial Sense - The Canary in the Coal Mine - The Next Recession

CHARTS : Visual Capitalist - 14% of Americans Have Negative Wealth

Value Walk - China is Hiding Capital Outflows

The Non-Dollar Report - Platinum Moves Into the Spotlight

Daily Reckoning - Janet Yellen: 21st-Century Houdini

CHART : tweet : StockCats - The Fed's Bubble...

International Man - Decline of Empire: Parallels Between the U.S. and Rome, Part III by Doug Casey

08/04/2016 - Bullion News

Bullion Vault - Why 'Stable Money' Means Gold

Notes from Underground - Governor Carney Reveals the Full Monty

CoinNews - Gold Rises 0.2%, Silver Dips 0.1%; US Mint Bullion Coins Climb

GoldSeek - Buy Gold and “Real Assets” Says the ‘Bond King’

Bloomberg - Critics Say the Fed Is Being Held 'Captive' by Financial Markets

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Health Canal - Nanobowls Offer a Way to Magnetically Deliver Drugs in the Body

The Deviant Investor - Monetary Madness, Political Madness, Debt Madness

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli: The things that need to be talked about

The Non-Dollar Report - The “Pricey” Silver Market Is Still Cheap

Forbes - Why The Federal Reserve Should Keep Interest Rates Lower For Longer

Sputnik News - Going for Gold: Price of Bullion Surges as China and Russia Amass Precious Metal

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

08/03/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: The 'error of margin'

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : PHYS.org - Gentle Cancer Treatment Using Nano-Particles Works

CoinWorld - Theodore Roosevelt 5-ounce silver bullion quarter dollars available Aug. 29

Hedgeye - 'A perfect storm' is making gold one of the hottest assets on the planet

VIDEO : Hedgeye - The Hedge Fund Draft: Would You Select Stan Druckenmiller Or Janet Yellen?

Business Insider - The world's biggest hedge fund thinks the next radical change in central-bank policy is almost upon us

FRAUD : AARP - The Golden Fleece - Older Americans lose millions through coin scams.

AUDIO : Peak Prosperity - Michael Shermer: The Importance Of Skepticism

Journal Sentinal - Fed (Wages its Finger) fines Goldman $36.3 million for use of confidential material

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08/02/2016 - Bullion News

Hedgeye - Asinine Fed Doublespeak (You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up)

VIDEO : Money Metals Exchange - Bullion Investors Who Wait Too Long for Bargains Risk Getting Left Behind

VIDEO : Daily Reckoning - Exclusive Interview With Jim Rogers – Part I

The Deviant Investor - You Can’t Eat Gold!

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - 31 Incredible Facts About Gold

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Photonics - Device Combines Phototherapy, Drug and Gene Therapy to Treat Cancer

OPINION : Market Watch - Why China and Russia are buying so much gold

Kitco - Forget About The Fed, Gold Is Following Global Negative Yields: Axel Merk

The Wall Street Journal - Platinum, Palladium May be New Focus in Precious Metals Rally

Yahoo - U.S. wins ownership of rare 'double eagle' gold coins

Business Insider - Inside the Bank of England's Gold Vault

Coin World - 30th Anniversary Proof 2016-W American Eagle silver dollars debut Sept. 16

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08/01/2016 - Bullion News

What Investment - Why I've been Buying more Gold since Brexit, by Top Investor

Midas Letter - Japan’s shocking stimulus illuminates central banks’ lack of credibility

Bloomberg - Europe has missed another chance to undertake the honest reckoning that its financial system needs

CHARTS : Hedgeye - 6 Charts: Begging For Bailouts Hits An All-Time High

BullionStar - Austrian Mint sells 41 tonnes of gold coins and gold bars in 2015

Energy & Capital - A Car Dealer's Guide to Silver

VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli reports the ISM manufacturing index for July and construction spending readings for June

Bloomberg - New York Fed Study Finds 15% of U.S. Households Have No Wealth

Kitco - Platinum Sales Win Over Gold, Silver as Q3 Kicked Off – U.S. Mint

CoinWeek - 5 Ways You Can Avoid Falling for Counterfeit Coins

Perth Mint Blog - 10 Mighty Coin Facts

07/31/2016 - Bullion News

The Fiscal Times - Will the Fed Burst 'its' Bubble?

PIMCO - The Fed: Silent on September "This is a free lunch that won’t last forever."

FAKE BULLION ALERT : AL.com - North Alabama law enforcement warning residents of counterfeit gold, silver being sold

UPDATE: FAKE BULLION ALERT : SilverBugs (Reddit) - Link to Seller of Fake Saltwater Crocodile Bullion Coins - **Scroll down to see listing ** Seller took down coins - Be Aware of This Seller** (Link to seller was given to the guide by the original buyer)

Reuters - 'Sell everything,' DoubleLine's Gundlach says

AUDIO : Financial Sense - The Next Financial Crisis - The Confidence Game

NIKKEI Asian Review - Long-bond fever ignores interest rate perils

Silver Coins Today - 2016 American Silver Eagle Bullion Coins Log Tepid July Sales

MorningStar - Go for Gold, or Not Really Sold? - Morning Star's Readers Have Mixed Feelings about Gold

07/29/2016 - Bullion News

FAKE BULLION ALERT : The News Courier - Law Enforcement Investigating Counterfeit Gold, Silver Sales

FAKE BULLION ALERT : SilverBugs (Reddit) - Fake Saltwater Crocodile Silver Bullion Coins found on Popular Auction Site

UPDATE: FAKE BULLION ALERT : SilverBugs (Reddit) - Link to Seller of Fake Saltwater Crocodile Bullion Coins - **Scroll down to see listing ** Seller took down coins - Be Aware of This Seller** (Link to seller was given to the guide by the original buyer)

CoinNews - 2016 Theodore Roosevelt 5 Oz Silver Bullion Coin Launches on August 29

Mauldin Economics - The Fed Is Preparing for Negative Rates—Here’s the Sign Everyone Missed

True Sinews - A Trap of their Own Making

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : UPI - Triple-Therapy Patch May Treat, Prevent Recurrence of Colon Cancer

Market Watch - The point of no return for quantitative easing is getting closer

BAWERK - The FOMC Butterfly that Will Ruin the World

Peak Prosperity - The Burrito Index: Consumer Prices Have Soared 160% Since 2001

The Felder Report - Over The Past 50 Years An Earnings Recession Of This Magnitude Has Never Failed To Trigger A Bear Market

GoldMoney - It is a month after Britain’s surprise vote to leave the EU

07/28/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : CNBC - Markets vs. the Fed

NewsMax Finance - Greenspan 'Nervous' Bond Prices Too High, Sees Stagflation Ahead

BDlive - Platinum and palladium catch the kings of the precious metals castle

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Richard Duncan: Creditism Has Replaced Capitalism

CHART : tweet : Linda Yueh - Top 50 central banks have cut interest rates 672 times since Sept 2008; nearly 3/4 of developed gov bonds yields <1%

Money Metals Exchange - Still Waiting for a Precious Metals "Correction"? Get Off the Dime and Buy Some Silver Ones...

MoneyBeat - Investors Pulling Money out of Prime Money Funds

07/27/2016 - Bullion News

PDF : DoubleLine - BARRON'S: Interview with the Bond King (Jeffrey Gundlach) on Brexit, Earnings and Gold

Financial Post - Fed’s inaction on rates gives policymakers plenty of justification to continue spending

True Wealth - This is How the Scary “Japanese Disease” is Spreading

CoinWorld - Perth Mint's newest 1-ounce silver bullion coin soars in popularity

AUDIO : Cashflow Ninja - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve and Central Banks a Interview with Edward G. Griffin, the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island

Bloomberg - Analyst Warns of a Restaurant Downturn and Sees Harbinger of U.S. Recession

The Deviant Investor - Free Stuff, Monopoly Money, and Free Passes

Numismatic News - Unload Coins in Tough Times?

Bullion Vault - Olympic Medals: The Real Gold, Silver & Bronze Medal Count

South China Morning Post - Woman caught at Shenzhen border with 15kg of hidden gold bars around her waist

Sputnik News - Miami Court Rejects Bitcoin as Money

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07/26/2016 - Bullion News

Kitco - Is America Headed For Bankruptcy? - Harvard Economist

CHART : tweet : BullionGuide - A Positive Pattern is Taking Shape in Silver's Daily Chart

The Cobden Centre - The real message from asset inflation by Alasdair Macleod

PIMCO - Why It’s Twice as Expensive to Retire Today in the U.S. as It Was 25 Years Ago

Straight Line Logic - No Lifeboats

True Wealth - This is Why Both Silver and Gold will Continue to Glitter

AUDIO : Peak Prosperity - Dave Pare: Gold Is Looking Strong

CNN Money - The Royal Mint has struck gold with its bullion trading business.

CHARTS : Doug Short - NYSE Margin Debt and the Market

VIDEO : CNBC - Peter Schiff discusses how the Fed is bluffing

Hedgeye - Uncertainty? 10% Probability of Fed Rate CUT to 10% Rate HIKE (In Just One Month)

Silver Investing News - 10 Top Silver-producing Countries

07/25/2016 - Bullion News

CoinNews - 2016 American Platinum Eagle Bullion Sales Open at 17,100

The Telegraph - The Helicopters Fly on for Now, but One Day they will Crash

The Corner - Are The Central Banks Getting It Wrong?

True Wealth - This is how to know how much uncertainty is in the world

FAKE BULLION : SilverBugs (reddit) - What is Faked More Gold or Silver?

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Science Daily - Salmonella Protein Reduces Drug Resistance in Tumors

The Felder Report - Investors Are Relying On ‘Dangerous Rationalizations That Have Never Held True In The Past’

tweet : Jesse Felder - Has anyone hacked the Clinton/Yellen emails yet?

Energy & Capital - Buy Gold to Hedge Against Number 36

Business Standard - Indian Govt promises helping hand to bullion industry

Chicago Tribune - 'Gloom, Boom & Doom' economist pushes for gold

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07/24/2016 - Bullion News

True Wealth - This is How The Bond Market is Broken

Bloomberg - Citigroup Says Dollar Bulls Would Be Wise Not to Count on Fed

24hGold - 7 Signs That the Gold Market Remains Resilient

CHART : SoberLook (twitter) - Speculative position in silver; this increasingly looks like a crowded trade

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Helicopter Money, Rising Debt and the Next Crisis

OilPrice - Platinum Prices Might Explode If Unions And Miners Can’t Agree

Hussman Funds - Speculative Extremes and Historically-Informed Optimism

CoinNews - Pobjoy Mint and Isle of Man Partnership Ending

International Man - Decline of Empire: Parallels Between the U.S. and Rome, Part II

321gold - Response To GATA: Technical Analysis Foretells “Manipulation”

Casper Star Tribune - Treasure hunter prompts third Wyoming search and rescue operation in 4 years

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

07/22/2016 - Bullion News

Bullion Vault - Gold Bull Meets Black Swans Meet Daffy Duck

The Sovereign Investor - Yellen’s Great Interest Rates Game

GoldMoney - The Real Message from Asset Inflation

GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - July 22, 2016

GoldReporter - Olympic Gold Medals Barely Contain Gold

The Midas Letter - Free Markets? Not on this planet

CHART : The Long View (twitter) - A whole lot of Debt and Nothing to Show for It. Buybacks

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Vanishing

Recycling International - Millions of dollars of forgotten coins retrieved from junked cars

Energy & Capital - Sharia Law Change Could Add 1.6 Billion Gold Investors

Sure Money Investor - This WSJ Advice Will Clean Out Your Bank Account

07/21/2016 - Bullion News

Numismaster - Compare Prices When Buying Silver by Pat Heller of Liberty Coin

TheGoldandOilGuy - Insight from Greed, Volatility, and Put/Call Ratio

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Get "Real" on Gold Fever - Revisited

The Non-Dollar Report - Ignore at Your Peril: The Dollar and Gold’s Duet of Doom

DiMartino Booth - The Bond Market: Beware of Junkyard Dogs

Bloomberg - A U.S. Junk-Bond Sale Gets Pulled as Investors Show Their Limits

Market Watch - Why Italy’s banks could ignite a eurozone crisis

The Deviant Investor - Retirement Dreams and Nightmares!

NewsWire - 2016 Australian Silver Kangaroo bullion coin have reached 10 million

Reuters - Bank of Japan's Kuroda rules out "helicopter money" - BBC radio

Casey Research - Here’s What Happens When the Easy Money Dries Up

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07/20/2016 - Bullion News

Econimica - IntraGovernmental Holdings: What Are They, Where They Come From, & Is IG The New QE?

The Sovereign Investor - Negative Rates: We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Vault

CNBC - Crexit Warning: Corporate Debt Seen Ballooning to 75 Trillion

Silver Coins Today - 2016 Silver Eagles Top 27.4M; Ordering Limits Ended

The Non-Dollar Report - “Flash Cash” and Why You Need a Bunch of It

GOLD NANO : AZO Nano - Computer Simulation of Nanoparticle Drug Carrier Capture in Arterial Flow

Numismatic News - Will platinum buyers go wild?

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Bernanke to Japan “Try Perpetual Debt”

VIDEO : GoldMoney - Goldmoney's Las Vegas Townhall Feat. George Gilder and Peter Schiff

AUDIO : Sprott Money - Sprott Money News Ask The Expert - July 2016 with Rob Kirby

Reuters - Armed men steal gold and silver from Agnico Eagle's mine in Mexico

07/19/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli - The Point of "Little" Return

The Felder Report - There Has Never Been A Better Time To Be An Active (Thinking) Investor

Bloomberg - Looking for 7% in a 0% World

The Deviant Investor - Politically Incorrect Insights

MetalMiner - Hey US Mint, Why Not Let Scrap Recyclers Sell Back Mutilated Coins?

Reuters - After Brexit, ordinary Britons warm to gold as safe haven

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - The Secret History of Glass-Steagall

Bloomberg - Why the U.S. Strong-Dollar Policy Is Relic of Long-Gone Era: Q&A

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07/18/2016 - Bullion News

U.S. Mint - 2016 American Eagle Platinum Bullion Available to Authorized Purchasers on July 25

COUNTERFEIT ALERT : Numismaster - Counterfeit Coins Becoming Problem

CoinNews - US Mint Ends 2016 American Silver Eagle Rationing

True Wealth - This is why a 500% gain in gold prices isn’t crazy

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - S&P 500 2016 Q1 Earnings Results: "Irrational Exuberance" Again? - The current P/E is 25, which places the Index well above the normal overvalue level

Sputnik News - Deutsche Bank Collapse May Trigger 'Global Financial Catastrophe'

Bloomberg - Calpers Earns 0.6% as Long-Term Returns Trail Fund’s Target (Guide Note: Expect More of This to Come)

Money Metals Exchange - Climbing Gold and Silver’s Wall of Worry

The Motley Fool - Investing in Silver: 3 Ways to Profit From Future Price Increases

07/17/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : The Epoch Times - Citigroup’s Willem Buiter Says ‘Would Hold Gold’ - Famous gold skeptic says gold wins against fiat currencies in negative rate environment

NIKKEI Asian Review - Gold still glitters but how high can it go?

CHARTS : Inside Futures - Gold Tape Still Bullish

The New York Times - A Bank Too Big to Jail

AUDIO : Peak Prosperity - Grant Williams: The Rising Danger Of A Bidless Market

Energy & Capital - The Game of Bonds

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Lower for Longer

City AM - Harrods Bank has become the first UK lender to sell gold online

07/15/2016 - Bullion News

Midas Letter - The Return of the Gold Bull and the End of the Credit Cycle

TF Metals Report - Here We Go Again

True Wealth - How to Avoid These 3 Common Investment Traps
- What legendary investor Peter Lynch said about stocks could also apply to any other financial instrument: “Invest at least as much time and effort in choosing a new stock as you would in choosing a new refrigerator.”

Reuters - Federal Reserve policymakers signal no rush to raise U.S. rates

The Sovereign Investor - The One Key Indicator Pointing to a Bear Market

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - The World’s Most Famous Case of Hyperinflation

GoldReporter - Citibank drops Venezuela: What happened to the gold?

CoinNews - Perth Mint Bullion Sales Soar in First Half of 2016

VIDEO : DestinationWA (Western Australia) - Tour The Perth Mint

CoinWorld - When to expect the 2017 America the Beautiful quarter dollars

BBC - India 'Gold Man' Battered to Death

07/14/2016 - Bullion News

Tocqueville - Tocqueville Gold Strategy Investor Letter

PDF : CHARTS : Tocqueville - Gold Monitor

FAKE BULLION ALERT : WHNT (Alabama) - Buyer Beware: Fake gold and silver bars discovered in Limestone County

Money Metals Exchange - The Curious Case of Vanishing Lady Liberty; Only Gold and Silver Remember Her

CoinWorld - Gold, silver among top 10 investments so far in 2016, according to WSJ

TrueWealth - The Latest on the Islam World Buying Gold

Shanghai Daily - Solar Power Industry Drives Up Silver and Lithium Prices

Bullion Baron - Controversial 1oz Perth Mint 2015 Silver Kangaroo Coin

ValueWalk - Silver – Gold’s Powerful Bull-Market Ally

Kitco - The Big Bull vs. Bear Debate on Gold

07/13/2016 - Bullion News

07/13: "Fundamentals at the Moment is the Most Supportive for Gold it's been in Years"

SAXO Group - Scepticism behind the gold rally: Hansen - link to video above

MineWeb - Gold is just getting warmed up – UBS analyst

Market Watch - Investor (SHEEP) pileup driving government bonds to their most expensive levels ever

CoinWorld - Mountain of silver continues to grow at U.S. Mint

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : medGadget - Gold and Lasers Produce Plasmonic Nanobubbles to Kill Residual Cancer Cells

National Geographic - The Ocean Could Be the New Gold Rush

Bullion Vault - Platinum: Demand Up, Supply Down

mybudget360 - With a recovery like this, who needs a recession: 62 percent of Americans don’t even have $1000 in savings

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Japanese Money Fleeing to Gold, the “Unprintable Currency”

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Central Banking 101

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Clueless

07/11/2016 - Bullion News

U.S. Global Investors - Silver Takes the Gold: Commodities Halftime Report 2016 by Frank Holmes

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Brexit-Induced Plunge in European Bank Shares Threatens to Cripple the Continent's Credit Creation - "The Fix being discussed....a European TARP" (Guide Note: Nobody has learned from the Lessons of the Past or that BailOuts Don't Work)

The New York Times - Can We Ignore the Alarm Bells the Bond Market Is Ringing?

Silver Coins Today - Sales Easing for Bullion 2016 American Silver Eagles

Platts - Platinum and palladium to find price support from deficits in 2016: Citi

Mises Institute - The Lessons of the 1920–21 Depression

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Clive Maund - Gold Market Update

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Clive Maund - Silver Market Update

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Surviving the Yield Crash

CHARTS : Doug Short - The Labor Market Conditions Index for June Remains Negative

Perth Mint Blog - Gold price spikes high in Aussie dollars

Herald Sun - Box Hill artist Adrian Ward creates the world’s largest pure silver bullion sculpture

New York Post - I make $60 a day fishing for coins in city fountains

Silver rounds and silver bars buy online
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07/10/2016 - Bullion News

FAKE BULLION ALERT : SilverBugs (Reddit) - SilverBugs Member - "Got My First Fake 2016 Kookaburras in the Mail Today!"

NewsMax - Real Jobs Report: Tax Collections Data Suggest US Economy Barely Above Water

Money and Markets - Behold the ‘Success’ of Central Bank Activism...

DIE WELT - The Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank Calls a Multi-Billion Dollar Bailout for European Banks

Moneyness - Zimbabwe - Hyperinflation 2.0?

Casey Research - Alan “Bubbles” Greenspan Returns to Gold

GOLD NANO : UPI - Scientists use Gold to Grow Nanoparticles in Crystal Formation

07/08/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : CNBC - Why Gold has Unlimited Upside

GoldReporter - Derivatives: Silver margins for speculators to be raised

Energy & Resource Digest - Don’t Worry… You Haven’t Missed the Boat Yet on Silver

Business Insider - The bond market just did something that hasn't happened since 1956

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - NYSE Margin Debt Decreased in May

CHARTS : CNBC - Charts: What's the Real Unemployment Rate?

Real Investment Advice - Weekend Reading: Central Banks Save The World

GOLD NANO : RESEARCH : ChemistryWorld - Gold nanoclusters Offer Route to Better Vaccines

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

07/07/2016 - Bullion News

The Non-Dollar Report - Is the Federal Reserve Banking on Negative Rates?

VIDEO : CNBC - The correlation between the Japanese yen and gold has hit its highest level in decades.

CHART : Perth Mint Blog - Monthly Sales – June 2016

Bloomberg - China Resumes Monthly Gold Buying in Bid to Diversify Reserves

The Economist - Italy’s teetering banks will be Europe’s next crisis

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Dumbells

mybudget360 - Those not in the labor force grows by 25,000,000 people from 2000 to 2016: During this same period those employed grew by 15 million and those unemployed grew by 6 million.

GOLD THEFT : NBC4i (OHIO) - Former moving company employee charged with stealing $50k worth of jewelry, coins - Pack Your Valuables Yourself Before You Move

07/06/2016 - Bullion News

CHARTS : True Wealth - Brexit Proves It Once Again – Gold is Great Insurance

The Non-Dollar Report - Bonds Are Screaming, “Panic!”

CoinNews - Gold Logs New 2-Year High, Silver Tops $20

Numismatic News - Collect Bullion Coins? Absolutely

Reuters - DoubleLine's Gundlach: Gold remains best investment in 'shaky' world

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : newswise - Nanobubbles Generated by Pulsed Laser Identify & Destroy Cancer Cells

CoinWorld - 2016 sales of American Eagle silver bullion coins still ahead of record-setting 2015

BullionStar - Chinese Gold Demand 973t In H1 2016, Nomura SGE Withdrawals Chart False

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Gold/Silver Ratio is Screaming “There’s a New Wave of Buyers!”

Bullion Vault - Gold Bars Smuggling Jumps in Japan

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Real Investment Advice - The Bond Ratio Warning

Bloomberg - The 30-Year U.S. Treasury Hit a Milestone It Hasn't Seen Since the Financial Crisis

07/05/2016 - Bullion News

Business Insider - "Paper" Investors Everywhere are Basically Screwed at this Point

VIDEO : CNBC - Russ Koesterich of BlackRock says "Gold is an Effective Hedge Against Equity Risk but also Against Credit Risk" - CNBC commentator Admits he doesn't understand Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Inside Futures - GOLD: Risk Builds Up On The 1,358.00 Zone

AUDIO : The Bubba Show - Where the FED Went Wrong -- Interview with Danielle DiMartino Booth

CoinNews - Gold Scores 2.2-Year High, Silver Hits 22-Month High

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalism - Commodities: Silver Skyrockets Post-Brexit, Energy is Back!

Reuters - Gold Retreats, Correction Seen Short-Term

CHARTS : Financial Sense - Four Charts that Worry Investment Experts

The Deviant Investor - Gold, Platinum, and Silver Speak To Us!

Money Metals Exchange - Stock Markets Erase Brexit Losses: Is the Fallout Already Behind Us?

VIDEO : CNBC - Gold and silver prices generally move inversely to the U.S. dollar, which is expected to remain weak, says Strategic Intelligence's Jim Rickards

Energy & Capital - Best Bullion for Investors

07/04/2016 - Bullion News

Happy 4th of July!

07/03/2016 - Bullion News

The Non-Dollar Report - The Mystical Ways of Silver, Soybeans and Sugar

GoldReporter.de - Gold market: Second Margin Increase in Just Seven Days

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Times Record - Nanotechnology part of future Fort Smith college research projects - Nanotechnology could be the best route to fighting cancer, and local researchers want to aid in advancements.

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Jim Puplava’s Big Picture: Brexit, Nexit and Exit

Market Slant - COT Report: Gold adds longs, Silver shorts cover

Business Insider - KYLE BASS: 'We are facing the largest macro imbalance in global history'

NBCnews - Alan Greenspan Calls Brexit 'the Tip of the Iceberg,' Says Euro is Failing

CoinWorld - World of silver bullion coin options await collectors, investors

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

07/01/2016 - Bullion News

The Non-Dollar Report - Interest Rates Down... Precious Metals Up

Yahoo Finance - Why Are Silver Prices Climbing?

MoneyBeat - Something Crazy Just Happened in the U.S. Treasury Market

Hedgeye - Got Growth Slowing? 10-Year Treasury Yield Hits All-Time Lows!

COUNTERFEIT ALERT : KOMO News - Counterfeit Gold Coins Flood the Market

GOLD NANO TECH : PHYS.org - Researcher pursues new applications for 'hot' electrons - Three years after his discovery of porous gold nanoparticles — gold nanoparticles that offer a larger surface area because of their porous nature—a University of Houston researcher is continuing to explore the science and potential applications.

CHARTS : CNBC - Three Charts Show How Precious Brexit Is for Gold and Silver

VIDEO : CNBC - All paper currencies are doomed, Marc Faber says

Hussman Funds - Head of the Snake - The Poisonous Gap Between Paper Wealth and Real Wealth

Reuters - Bank of England's Carney sees need for summer stimulus after Brexit shock

CHART : GoldCore - Gold, Silver Best Performing Assets In H1, 2016 – Up 26% and 38%

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