This Newsletter was originally sent to subscribers on December 5th.
Blog Post made on December 12th
I hope you and your family are doing well.
Thank you for subscribing to receive this newsletter from the
Free Bullion Investment Guide.
The Free Bullion Investment Guide is undergoing a full overhaul, focusing on preserving the good while re-editing or rewriting all other content.
Of the main pages of the guide that are already posted (basics, coin pages, buying guides, etc.), I am about 75% finished; however, I also intend to re-edit all previous blogged pages, so when I include
those pages, I'm only about half done with the overhaul.
Below is the latest group of updated pages.
Engelhard page
Affiliate page
Bullion Discounts
3-gram Gold Panda bullion coin
1-gram Gold Panda bullion coin
Revamping the Free Bullion Investment Guide is far from done, there is much more to come.
Outlook: In the Month ahead, I'm expecting gold and silver to move sideways and eventually move higher breaking the falling wedges to the upside.
(Click the chart to enlarge or click here)
Charts provided courtesy of
(Click the chart to enlarge or click here)
Note: If there happens to be a Large Broad-Market Correction or Crash in the next four weeks, gold and silver have always, and likely will again, drastically fall in price as traders scramble for liquidity and will sell anything to find it. Although the prices of silver and gold are usually the quickest to recover after such events.
Note: All the charts and commentary in this newsletter are in no way an incentive of how you should invest or divest.
News Articles first posted on the Free-Bullion-Investment-Guide
Royal Canadian Mint revenue hits $252.7m in Q3 despite bullion slump - BPM
Graphic: Visualizing the Price of Bitcoin vs. Gold Over Time - Visual Capitalist
At These Levels, Buying Silver Is Like Getting It At $5 In 2003 - Hubert Moolman
Video: Why is Gold Still Undervalued - The New Gold Playbook - Precious Metals Summit Zurich 2004
China Discovers Massive Gold Reserves in Hunan - Greek Reporter
Fake Bullion: Sound Test: How to Detect Real & Fake Gold Maple Leaf bullion coins - Sound Money Metals (YouTube)
Crypto vs. Gold - The Gold Report
Video: Goldman's Dart Says Gold Could Hit $3,000 an Ounce Next Year - Bloomberg TV
Graphic: Visualizing the Gold-to-Silver Ratio Since 1869 - Visual Capitalist
Silver Global Industrial Demand on Track for a New Record High in 2024 - The silver market is set to see a sizeable structural deficit for the fourth consecutive year - The Silver Institute
Video: Will Rising Global Debt Boost Gold? - Bloomberg/CMEgroup
Why Austrian Business Cycle Theory Is Better than Keynesianism - The Cobden Centre
Top 5 Palladium and Platinum Countries by Production - Investing News
Video: Yvonne Blaszczyk of BMG Group: Global Gold Rush is On — BRICS Takeaways, US Election Impact - Investing News Network (INN)
Tiny Gold Radiators Fry Bacteria on Implants - AZOnano
Gold Outshines Platinum in Cancer Fight - Science Blog
The gold standard: Researchers enhance cardiology imaging by using gold nanoparticles -
BGASC - Bullion Dealer
Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Broker - Precious Metals Dealer/Vault Storage
OneGold - Vault Storage Broker
SD Bullion - Bullion Dealer
SilverGoldBull - Bullion Dealer
Vaulted - Precious Metals Dealer/Vault Storage
Walmart - 2024 American Silver Eagles from Top Dealers
Tractor Supply Co. - Home Safes / Hardware
Home Depot - Home Safes / Hardware - Large Assortment of Safes
Rexing - Dash Cams, Night-Vision / Binoculars, Monitoring Cameras
SANSI - LED Lights - Anniversary Sale up to 60% Off
Survival Frog - Survival Equipment
TradingView - Interactive Investment Charts
Need Help? No matter what age you are or what problems you're dealing with, the best thing you can do is get your heart, soul, and spirit right with God. The only way to God is through his son, Jesus Christ, the son of God.
John 14:1-6 - "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
Ask Jesus for Help. Talk/Pray to him like you would your best friend, and end your words with "in Jesus name, Amen" because there is power in his name. When you believe in Jesus, You'll see him move mountains in your life.
Until next month, Thank you for your time and for your support.
Take Care & God Bless,
Steven Warrenfeltz
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All Articles were Originally Posted on the Homepage