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Vault Storage Brokerages
of Gold, Silver, and Platinum
Buying Guide

Vault Storage Brokerages work much in the same way a stock  brokerage does.

Stock brokerages offer you stocks to buy; when you buy them, the brokerage stores those stocks in your personal segregated account, and when you want to trade or sell those stocks, you use their system to do what you want, with minimal overhead costs

Gold Vault

The one difference is that with all stock brokerages, getting a physical stock certificate doesn't happen anymore because stock brokerages have turned to digital record-keeping.

Whereas getting the physical bullion from a vault storage broker is commonplace and, in many cases, expected.

Vault Storage Brokerages trade digital precious metals; you make trades like the professionals on the COMEX into wholesale LBMA Gold and Silver Good Delivery Bars.

Low Cost Precious Metals

Low in Cost, in regards to buying precious metals with low premiums.

In most cases, when you buy precious metals on the secondary market, there are premiums added to the intrinsic value of the metal.

Vault Storage Brokerages trade in LBMA 400 troy oz. "Good Delivery" gold bars, 1,000 troy oz. Silver bars, and kilogram Platinum bars.

When a person trades with a Vault Storage Brokerage and places an order to buy, depending on the order, they are buying either a fractional part of a Good Delivery Bar or a full bar.  

The fact that these brokerages trade in large wholesale bars is what allows their customers to buy any amount of gold, silver, or platinum at professional market prices.

What to Know

This page will review two of the Top Vault Storage Brokerages based on their customer reviews while helping you understand common terms used in this industry.

Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage
  • U.K. based company
  • Established in 2005
  • Trading 24/7 ~ 365 days a year
  • Cash Withdraw after account is verified.
  • Redemption in Physical Precious Metals is available
  • $4.1 billion of clients assets under Mgmt
  • 4.7 star Customer Review rating
One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage
  • U.S. based company
  • Incorporated in 2018
  • Trading 24/7 ~ 365 days a year
  • Cash Withdraw after account is verified.
  • Redemption in Physical Precious Metals is available.
  • 4 Million oz (+) under Mgmt
  • 4.8 star Customer Review rating

Minimum to Start an Account

Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage

Free to Open Account

  • There is No obligation to trade. (The amount you choose to invest, if/when you decide to do so)

Read Bullion Vault's page about how to "Get Started" in opening an account here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage

Free to Open Account

  • Minimum deposit of $100.00

Read OneGold's page about "How it Works" here.

Segregated, Allocated Accounts

When you make your first purchase of precious metal from one of these brokerages, the amount of the metal you purchase no longer appears on the brokerages' balance sheet.

When you open an account with a Vault Storage Brokerage, you are setting up a contract or custody arrangement that creates a segregated, allocated account of gold, silver, and platinum.

Vault Storage - Contract / Handshake

Vault storage companies act as custodians of your bullion. When a person opens an account with a company that trades and stores bullion, they are in a "Bailment" Agreement.

A Bailment is a legal relationship between two entities involving tangible assets, in this case, the person who buys the bullion and the vault storage brokerage.

The Vault Storage Brokerage is the custodian or "bailee," and the person who buys and owns the bullion is known as the "bailor."

The bullion is not part of the company's balance sheet because it is not their property; it is now in the buyer's name, and the brokerage is storing it for them.

Even in the case of the bankruptcy of the "Bailee's," creditors cannot claim your bullion as theirs because of the Bailment Agreement.

International Storage

International Storage Advantages:

  • Global Diversification of Assets
  • Insurance companies rate international gold vaults as the most secure locations on earth.
  • Reduce the risk that you have at home (crime or natural disasters).
  • Keeping assets in a country politically and socially stable
  • Keeping assets in countries that have favorable personal property laws (Switzerland, Singapore, Cayman Islands) 
  • Keeping assets in countries that don't have a history of confiscation 
  • Keeping assets in countries that haven't had issues with internal government turmoil
Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage

Fully Segregated / Allocated Accounts


Zurich, CH

London, U.K.


New York, U.S.A.

Read Bullion Vault's written explanation about their Allocation of Bullion here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage

In U.S., U.K. & Switzerland

Fully Segregated / Allocated Accounts

for Gold, Silver, and Platinum

Canada - Royal Canadian Mint

Fully Segregated / Allocated Accounts

for Silver

Canada - Royal Canadian Mint

Pooled Un-Allocated Accounts

for Gold

Read OneGold's page about Allocated Accounts here.

Vault Storage
Facilities & Auditing

Storage Facilities

The Bullion Vault and OneGold use security facilities that are under the respected VIA MAT INTERNATIONAL, part of Mat Securitas Express AG of Switzerland, one of Europe's largest and oldest armored transport and storage companies.

Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage

Bullion Vault uses the following independent professional Vault Storage operators and LBMA security transport companies.

Read Bullion Vault's page about their bullion storage here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage

OneGold uses these independent professional Vault Storage operators and LBMA security transport companies.

Read OneGold's page about their bullion storage here.


Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage

Everyday Bullion Vault publishes a Daily audit online, which explicitly reconciles the customer's gold, silver, and platinum.

Read Bullion Vault's daily audit here.

See a Video about how Bullion Vault shows their customers how to find their bullion on the daily audit here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage

OneGold Inventory Audit shows investors that their assets are backed by physical metal and are in one of OneGold's four storage locations.

  • Every month, OneGold receives Audits from its storage partners about the specifics of the metal owned by OneGold and its customers.
  • Audit Reports are uploaded here on OneGold's website from the different international storage locations where the bullion is stored. 

Read more about OneGold's audit and see the uploads and other information here.

Vault Storage

Storage Fees

Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage

Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium

Monthly Storage Rates

(includes insurance)
















Unlike Bank Deposit Protection, your Bullion Vault insurance (included) protects you to the full value of your bullion with no cap.

Bullion Vault Insurance Issuers include Malca-Amit, Chubb European Group SE, and Lloyds of London.

Read Bullion Vault's Storage Fees here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage

Storage Fees Charged per Year

Billed Quarterly

(includes Lloyds of London insurance)





















Storage fees are billed quarterly based on the average daily balance of your holdings multiplied by the (%) each location charges. Storage fees may vary by product and location.

Minimum account level storage fee of $5 per quarter.  Example: $100k holding of gold would cost $120 per year for storage.

Read OneGold's page about how they calculate their Storage Fees here.

Read OneGold's Storage Fee Calculator here.

Buying and Selling

Buying Fees

Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage
  • Bullion Vault charges a maximum of 0.50% to buy or sell gold, silver, or platinum on their live order board. 
  • Above $75,000, you pay less.


On the first.....$75,000/equivalent....0.50%

On the next....$750,000/equivalent...0.10%


  • Bullion Vault aggregates your prior deals within the year; you pay lower commissions as the year progresses. 
  • Commission discounts for both purchases and sales run independently on gold, silver, and platinum.

Read Bullion Vault's Buying and Selling Commission Rates here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage
  • OneGold Premiums are listed on their buy page and on the order total on the checkout screen.









  • Additionally, OneGold displays both the "ask" (buy) and "bid" (sell) spot prices when either buying or selling. 
  • The "ask" price is shown when buying from OneGold. You will see this price displayed on the checkout screen. 
  • Prices are valid on the confirm transaction page for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, prices have to be refreshed.

Read OneGold's information about Withdrawing money through each funding source here.

Selling Fees

Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage
  • Bullion Vault charges a maximum of 0.50% to buy or sell gold, silver, or platinum on their live order board.
  • Above $75,000, you pay less.


On the first....$75,000/equivalent.....0.50%

On the next....$750,000/equivalent...0.10%


  • Bullion Vault aggregates your prior deals within the year; you pay lower commissions as the year progresses.
  • Commission discounts for both purchases and sales run independently on gold, silver, and platinum.

Read Bullion Vault's Buying and Selling Commission Rates here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage
  • You are only able to sell metals that are available in your balance.
  • You will not be able to sell any metals that are still pending.
  • There is no minimum amount when selling a product.
  • A transaction fee is charged based on the total value of the sale multiplied by 0.30%. 
  • For example, the transaction fee on a $100 sale would be 30 cents ($.30)    

Read more about OneGold's Selling process and other selling questions here.

Cash & Physical Bullion

Cash Withdraws

Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage

Only Validated Accounts with cleared funds can withdraw cash.

Validated Accounts can withdraw cash at anytime. 

Learn about Bullion Vault's process of Account Validation here.

Withdrawals must be over $100 (USD) or other-currency equivalent.

Cash Withdraw Charges

where applicable

  • Most UK withdrawals are free.

Common withdrawal fees are:  

  • CHAPS: £20
  • SEPA: €5
  • US-domestic ACH: $10
  • International (Wire-Transfer) SWIFT typically not more than $30
  • For SWIFT payments, intermediary/correspondent banks may apply an additional fee which is not within Bullion Vault's control.

A small currency holding fee may also apply where Bullion Vault's bank charges negative interest rates. This does not currently apply.

Read Bullion Vault's full page on "Getting Paid" here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage

OneGold states that your account does not need to be verified to withdraw cash from your account.

For those who fund their account via Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, or ACH, OneGold has some exceptions for you concerning withdraws...Read them here.

Read more about OneGold's Cash Withdraws in their FAQs section here.

Physical Bullion Withdraws

Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Brokerage

Only Validated Accounts can withdraw physical bullion.

Learn about Bullion Vault's process of Account Validation here.

Bullion Vault has three ways you can withdraw bullion.

(50grams of Gold Minimum)

  • Large holders may withdraw whole Good Delivery bars of gold (400 troy oz, about 12 kg), whole Good Delivery bars of silver (1000 troy oz, about 31.1 kg), or whole kilogram amounts of Good Delivery platinum or palladium.
  • Gold withdrawal in Pamp Fortuna 100g bar (limited to one 100g gold bar per delivery batch) is a standard format with regular dispatch dates to keep costs low. Delivery of the gold goes to the customer's address; a signature is needed when delivered.
  • Physical delivery of gold in small bars is available with a minimum of 50 grams. However, arranging a custom/bespoke order is time-consuming and has higher fees.

Read Bullion Vault's full page on Physical Withdraw of Bullion here.

Read Bullion Vault's Physical Bullion Withdrawal Fees here.

One Gold - Vault Storage Brokerage

OneGold offers physical bullion through APMEX, a leading precious metals dealer in the United States.

OneGold has two requirements to place a successful physical redemption order.

  1. Your account must be verified
  2. The funds being used for the redemption order must be eligible.

1.) Verification - Forms of Identification Required to Verify a OneGold Account:

  • Government-issued photo identification (e.g., a passport or driver’s license)
  • In some cases, OneGold may require one or both forms of ID.
  • OneGold verifies accounts through its internal anti-money laundering policy.

Read more about OneGold's account verification process here.

2.) Eligible Funds

Read OneGold's FAQs page about the Physical Bullion Redeeming process, account requirements, and other common questions here.

Read more about OneGold's Physical Redemption here.


Bullion Vault Storage - Diversified Investment Portfolio - Used

  • High Risk = Penny Stocks, Venture Capital, Crowdfunding, High Yield Bonds or Junk Bonds, Currency Trading, Crypto-Currency
  • Moderate Risk = Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Small Cap & Mid Cap Stocks, Corporate Bonds, Real Estate, and Art
  • Low Risk = Stock Indexes, Large Cap Stocks, Municipal Bonds, Annuities, Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), Money Market Funds
  • Lowest Risk = U.S. Government Bonds, Gold & Silver 

Precious Metals
Portfolio Diversification

Precious metals generally make up 10 to 20% of the average portfolio; however, in comparison to your total investments, the question that many ask is:

How should I diversify my precious metals investments?

Ultimately, you know what works for you, what you can afford, and what form of precious metals works best for you.

There are several choices:

The chart below is a sample portfolio of how an individual may diversify 20% of their money in precious metals.

diversified precious metals bullion portfolio

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