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3rd Quarter - 2015 Charts, Bullion News & Commentary
Date Posted: 11/20/2015 @ 3:50am
When investing in any market, a good way to judge price movement in the future is to learn from the past.
Benjamin Franklin - (1706 - 1790) a brilliant philosopher, inventor and one of the founding fathers of the United States, once said "An investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest."
The charts on the quarterly pages will help you understand the volatility of
the precious metals markets and the news below the charts on these
pages will help you understand the fundamentals that move these markets.
The combination of the charts, commentary and news on this page will help you in your "Investment in Knowledge" of these Markets.
charts and bullion news links on this page are devoted to the
precious metals markets during the 3rd Quarter of 2015.
there are also articles about the general direction of the financial
markets and current events that affected the market during the quarter.
below this summary, there are charts for the US Dollar, Gold, Silver,
Platinum, and Palladium, with easy to understand Technical Analysis.
The financial news, audio. and videos links posted below the Palladium Spot Price Charts, were originally posted on the homepage during the 3rd quarter of 2015.
The charts below are provided by the courtesy of
StockCharts.com .
Order of Analysis and Commentary
1) US Dollar Charts - 3rd Qtr 2015
Gold Price Charts - 3rd Qtr 2015
Silver Price Charts - 3rd Qtr 2015
Platinum Price Charts - 3rd Qtr 2015
Palladium Price Charts - 3rd Qtr 2015
3rd Quarter - 2015 Bullion News & Commentary
US Dollar Charts - 3rd qtr. of 2015
The U.S. Dollar's 3rd Quarter of 2015 price chart was completely dictated by the Federal Reserve. The dotted lines, on the U.S. Dollar's quarterly chart (below), indicate the release of Federal Reserve Statements. In
July, the Federal Reserve minutes from the June meeting were released,
and the Fed stated that they were almost ready to raise rates which kept
the price of the US Dollar up and trading sideways.
US Dollar Price Chart - 3rd Quarter - (July 1st, 2015 - September 30th, 2015)
US Dollar
Then in mid-August, the Federal Reserve released their minutes for July, which stated that they were still unsure about the economy.
They also stated in the minutes release that they were worried about the lack of strength in China's markets, this sent the Dollar falling.
Bullion News
US Dollar Price Chart - 1 year - (July 1st, 2014 - September 30th, 2015)
The one year chart of the US Dollar (above) displays the dollars closest price resistance and support levels.
The U.S. Dollar will continue its current sideways movement until it breaks one of these two levels.
Bullion News
US Dollar Price Chart - 3 year - (July 1st, 2012 - September 30th, 2015)
When the U.S. Dollar breaks either the $93.00 support level or the $99.00 resistance level, it will be the first sign of a possible change in movement, for the price of the U.S. Dollar.
the dollar will need to break the next levels in the chart to give
investors a better idea of which way the U.S. Dollar will be moving.
The U.S. Dollar's support level of $90.00 and resistance level of $101.00 is what I call "the Fed's Confidence Zone."
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The Fed's Confidence Zone
Since July of 2014, after the Fed ended QE (quantitative easing), the U.S. Dollar has moved up creating the Confidence Zone.
the U.S. Dollar breaks above or below one of these price levels it will
either be a sign of more Confidence in the Fed or less.
Furthermore, if the dollar breaks above $101 it will be a sign that the Bear in the precious metals markets is still in effect.
when the U.S. Dollar breaks below $90, this will show that the Bull
market in precious metals has been (without a doubt) confirmed.
Bullion News
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The Federal Funds Rate Relationship with the U.S. Dollar & Gold
When I started to put together the next set of charts, I honestly expected a very different outcome.
The first chart is a Comparison Chart of the Federal Reserve's - Federal Funds Rate compared with the U.S. Dollar Index.
The U.S. Dollar Index came to be after August 15th, 1971 when Pres. Nixon removed the U.S. Dollar from the Gold Standard. See the Guide's Bretton Woods page for further explanation.
I used a faint dotted line to indicate the years 1980 and 2000.
shaded areas on chart above indicate periods of recession
The most glaring observation in the chart above is that the Dollar
Index was often late to respond to the change in the Federal Funds rate.
point being, today's US Dollar isn't acting like the US Dollar of the
past. Today, any speculation of a rate hike raises the value of the
dollar, but the chart above shows that the value of the dollar didn't
rise in value until well after the enactment of a rate hike.
Since mid-2008, after the Fed turned the business cycle on its head by
taking full control of the business cycle, the relationship between the
Dollar and the Federal Funds rate has completely decoupled and is no
longer relevant.
Below, is the Dollar Chart I used to make the comparison chart, above.
The next chart is a Comparison Chart of the Federal Funds rate and Gold .
When observing the Gold vs.
Federal Funds chart below, I notice that the only time the Federal
Funds rate really affected gold's price was in the early 80's, after the
Federal Reserve raised the interest rate above the level of inflation.
the Federal Funds rate has had minimal impact on the gold market, for
instance, the reason for gold's low prices from the mid-80's thru the
late 90's, was the result of low inflation, economic growth, and debt
shaded areas on chart above indicate periods of recession
Unfortunately, the factors behind gold's lower prices in the past have now been removed by the intervention of Federal Government Agencies and institutions.
Today's markets are dictated by inaccurate inflation indicators . (click the link to see how the government measures inflation in today's economy)
addition, today's markets, are markets of debt and credit, not savings, earnings,
and growth which are what causes 'real' economies to
Today's economy is built on stock buy-backs fueled by the Federal Reserve that has supported today's economy with easy (unearned) money (credit).
most glaring observation, in the chart above, is the lack of influence that the Federal
Funds rate has made on gold, which ultimately may make one wonder; How
much strength is left in gold's current bear market?
Below, is the Gold Chart used to make the comparison chart, above. (before 1971, gold was pegged at $35.00 a troy ounce.)
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Bullion News
Gold Price Charts - 3rd qtr. of 2015
Gold Prices
Like the US Dollar, Gold's Price movement in the 3rd quarter of 2015 was mostly dictated by the Federal Reserve and its lack of decision making.
The Federal Reserve is caught between Reality and Wall Street. Reality says don't raise interest Rates and the economists on Wall Street wonder why it hasn't happened yet. The reason why they shouldn't raise rates has everything to do with Liquidity, it simply doesn't exist in the markets to justify a interest rate increase.
Gold Price Chart - 3rd Quarter - (July 1st, 2015 - September 30th, 2015)
Gold's price movement during the 3rd quarter of 2015, was very volatile. Gold fell through its old support level of $1180, turning this price level into a new resistance level.
Gold Price Chart - 1year - (July 1st, 2015 - September 30th, 2015)
Furthermore, Gold fell to new price support level, to close just above the $1080 price. To get an idea of where Gold's support levels sit below the $1080 price level, we need to take a look at the 10 year chart below.
Gold has several support levels between $1080 and $1000. These levels sit at $1060, $1025 and $1000.
Gold Price Chart - 10year - (Jan 1st, 2006 - September 30th, 2015)
Bullion News
Gold's Future...
The sad truth is that as long as Wall Street believes the Fed will
raise rates, there will be selling pressure in the gold market.
It is widely expected that the Federal Reserve will raise the Federal Funds rate this December (FOMC meeting 12/15-12/16).
the beginning of Gold's analysis, I mention that the only reason for
the Fed to raise interest rates is to pull liquidity out of the market.
problem for the Federal Reserve is that liquidity is almost non-existent and raising rates now doesn't make sense.
heard the argument, that they need to raise rates so they have
ammunition when the next recession hits, well maybe they should've never
had fooled with the business cycle in the first place, then they
wouldn't have this problem.
So if they raise rates, expect a
contraction in the economy and a possible fall in gold as well, but gold
is currently oversold, so I doubt gold will sell off.
But, this
will also tell Wall Street that the Fed can't control the economy and a
loss in confidence in the Fed will grip the markets and gold will rise,
if this scenario plays out expect to see a "U" or "V" shaped bottom in gold.
if the Fed balks at raising rates in December, expect gold to jump and
Confidence in the Fed to really start cratering.
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Gold & the US Dollar
The charts below of the US Dollar and Gold during the 3rd quarter of 2015 are a perfect example of the relationship that gold plays with the U.S. Dollar. Gold is a safe-haven currency that is bought when the dollar is sold.
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Silver Price Charts - 3rd qtr. of 2015
Bullion News
Silver Prices
Silver's price chart for the 3rd quarter of 2015 has many of the same characteristics of last quarter; it was very volatile with choppy movements.
Silver Price Chart - 3rd Quarter - (July 1st, 2015 - September 30th, 2015)
Bullion News
Last quarter , silver's price started higher, and by the end of the quarter, it was lower, just like this quarter. In the 2nd & 3rd Quarter charts below, you can see the volatile movement of Silver's price, along with its constant downward movement. Silver's price is currently holding support at $14.00 Also, early in the quarter, silver fell through the $15.00 support level, however, instead of $15.00 becoming a new resistance level, the price of silver has repeatedly broken above it, which has made this new resistance level hard to label.
Silver Price Chart - 6 month - (April 1st, 2015 - September 30th, 2015)
Bullion News
This action has made the $16.00 price level, Silver's new resistance level. This action in price resistance levels looks like an anomaly; we will have to see what this leads to in the future, but perhaps it is a signal for a bottom in silver.
Silver Price Chart - 1year - (July 1st, 2014 - September 30th, 2015)
The upper and lower indicators, MACD and RSI (Relative Strength Index) are both giving neutral readings, meaning either indicator is showing a clear view of which way the chart is going to move.
Silver Price Chart - 3year - (July 1st, 2012 - September 30th, 2015)
Silver's Future
Silver trades in the same general direction as gold, however, silver also trades as an industrial metal, because over 50% of silver supply is used for industry. With this in mind, as long as the Fed remains unclear with its forward guidance and the markets remain volatile due to this business cycle coming to an end, expect Silver to continue its volatile movement.
Bullion News
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Platinum Price Charts - 3rd qtr. of 2015
Bullion News
Platinum Prices
Platinum and Palladium are often more affected by the industrial market forces than gold and in some cases silver too. During the 3rd quarter of 2015, the price of platinum found itself falling for most of the quarter. Furthermore, on September 18th, Volkswagen the world's largest automobile maker was charged by the EPA for rigging software on their diesel powered cars so that the cars could pass emissions tests.
VW Notice of Violation of the Clean Air Act
Platinum is used
in the catalytic converters of diesel-powered cars and platinum is the
primary element that removes harmful gasses from diesel exhaust.
announcement by Volkswagen is expected to hurt the sales of diesel
vehicles which will hurt the demand for platinum and its price.
Platinum Price Chart - 3rd Quarter - (July 1st, 2015 - September 30th, 2015)
Bullion News
The EPA announced its charges against Volkswagen on September 18, and by the 22nd, Volkswagen admitted to wrongdoing.
See article here Volkswagen Crashes Platinum Price
Platinum Price Chart - 1 year - (July 1st, 2014 - September 30th, 2015)
Bullion News
Since the price of Platinum hasn't found a bottom yet, in the
quarterly chart, we need to look at a longer term chart to find a solid
support price for the price.
Last quarter, I mistakenly stated that the long term support level for Platinum sits at $800, but, support actually starts around $800 but stretches down to $750, for Platinum. Support below $750, sits at $600.
Platinum Price Chart - 20 year - (January 1st, 1995 - September 30th, 2015)
Bullion News
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Palladium Price Charts - 3rd qtr. of 2015
Palladium Prices
For the 3rd quarter of 2015, palladium's price basically ended the quarter at the same price it started it from. During the first half of the quarter, palladium fell in price, then a big dip in price occurred in late August. The falling price was caused by a supply glut and poor auto sales in China - 08/25 : Palladium Tumbles Most Since 2011.
Palladium Price Chart - 3rd Quarter - (July 1st, 2015 - September 30th, 2015)
Then after the Federal Reserve's minutes indicated that the Federal
Reserve was thinking twice about raising rates, bargain hunters started
to buy up Palladium. Furthermore, the Volkswagen emissions scandal broke on September 18-22, which brought more bulls into the Palladium market.
( Note :
Palladium is used in catalytic converters of gasoline powered vehicles,
so when the news broke about the Volkswagen emissions scandal,
investors figured there would be a higher demand for gasoline powered
cars, over diesel, causing palladium to rise.)
Palladium Price Chart - 1 Year - (July 1st, 2014 - September 30th, 2015)
Bullion News
Resistance for Palladium sits at its old Support level of $720, and its price support sits at the $530 level.
Palladium Price Chart - 10 Year - (July 1st, 2006 - September 30th, 2015)
The charts above are provided by the courtesy of
StockCharts.com .
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3rd Quarter - 2015 Bullion News & Commentary
The Quarterly News starts with the end of the quarter articles, first.
Please note that not all of the links below work; the links are kept because the headlines still provide insight into how the markets were moving at the time.
09/30/2015 - Bullion News
Reuters - The Global Silver-Coin Market is in the Grips of an Unprecedented Supply Squeeze
CoinWorld - Authorized purchasers buy U.S. Mint's weekly allotment of silver American Eagles
Bloomberg - Shanghai Gold Withdrawals at Record on Signs of More Demand
Midas Letter - Fed Paralysis Signals Limits of Policy Tools Have Been Reached
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Trouble with bubbles
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : PHYS.org - Sniffing out cancer with improved 'electronic nose' sensors
Sovereign Man - Thomas Jefferson’s prescient warning on the debt ceiling crisis
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Never Mistake Copper for Gold
The Deviant Investor - The Difference Between Gold and Debt
Perth Mint Research - Financialisation – blame the carpenter or the tool?
CHART : dshort - Anticipating the Employment Report for August: ADP Number 6K Above Forecast
09/29/2015 - Bullion News
International Man - These Are the Good Old Days for Gold : Confusing Inevitable with Imminent
News Observer - US Banishes teaching the Fundamentals Behind a "Gold Standard" in HighSchools
Financial Sense - Axel Merk : All Bad at 0%?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Clive Maund - JUNK BOND MARKET IMMINENT COLLAPSE threatens (unwelcome) BIG rate rises.
VIDEO : CNBC - Glencore could be the next Lehman: Frank Holmes
American Thinker - Happy 134th Birthday - Ludwig von Mises: Scholar of Free Markets and Prophet of Liberty
Perth Mint Research - Bron Suchecki Interview on Precious Metals
Bullion Vault - Confusion Rules for Gold vs. Complacency
Reuters - Platinum slides to 6-1/2 year low below $900/oz
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09/28/2015 - Bullion News
Philly - Fed Won't Hike Rates for a (Cough) While
CoinNews - US Mint Silver Eagle Allocation Climbs 33.3%
Notes from Underground - Yellen Announces Possible Decrease In Liquidity; Suffers Bout of Dehydration
Zero Hedge - FX Liquidity Is Tumbling To Dangerous Levels
The Telegraph - Switzerland probes banks over precious metals price fixing
Zero Hedge - UBS Is About To Blow The Cover On A Massive Gold-Rigging Scandal
Energy and Resources Digest - Making Money in Natural Resources
Sunshine Profits - Volkswagen Scandal and Gold
Money Metals Exchange - Scarce Silver to Get Even Tougher to Find in 4th Quarter
AUDIO : Peak Prosperity - Charles Eisenstein: What Is Wealth?
09/27/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : USA Watchdog - Fed Scared to Raise Rates-Nomi Prins
FINANZ und WIRTSCHAFT - The Next Thing Might Be Helicopter Money : an Interview with James Grant
Bloomberg - The Richest Americans Are Cutting Debt Before The Fed Hikes Interest Rates
Dana Lyons - Margin Debt Drops: Healthy Pullback, Or Budding Headwind?
The Aden Forecast - Countries Looking to Devalue Their Way to Growth Have a Big Problem, HSBC Says
The Daily Reckoning - Negative Interest Rates, Money Heroin and Helicopters
Market Watch - Homebuilder stocks’ selloff may be following the bear market in lumber
Sunshine Profits - Is the Stock Market a Driver of Gold Prices?
Energy and Resources Digest - Buy Palladium, Sell Platinum
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - 9.4 Million More Americans Below Poverty Line Than Pre-Crisis
Times of India - MMTC to manufacture and market India Gold Coin from October
Daily Mail - Divers who were conducting a clean up of trash dumped in a New Zealand harbour are shocked to discover sunken treasure - including 868 Gold Coins
09/25/2015 - Bullion News
Economic Policy Journal - A Conversation with a Bartender
Gold-Eagle - Negative Interest Rates And Gold
GoldSilverWorlds - Gold Outlook: Bears Showing Signs Of Fatigue
BloombergView - Yellen's Flip-Flop Isn't Guidance
The Telegraph - Mystery buyer spends half a million pounds on gold bars... through his smartphone
NewsMax - Banks Discuss Shifts to How London Gold Traded for 300 Years
VIDEO : Kitco - CPM’s Jeff Christian Says Gold ‘Excellent Investment at Current Prices’, Addresses Comex Debate
Perth Mint Research - Refinery view of the state of the gold market
AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - David Smith on Global Silver Squeeze: “Paper Pushers” Being Marginalized
The Deviant Investor - Silver: Victim of Motive, Means, and Opportunity
Casey Research - Get Ready for QE4
Mint News Blog - Confirmed: 2014 American Eagle Silver Proof Close to Sell Out
09/24/2015 - Bullion News
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : McClellan Financial - Bund Spread Gives Permission for Bear Market
Investment U - R.I.P. Interest Rates
The Bullion Desk - Gold price surges to 1-mth high following Draghi comments
Silver Coins Today - US Mint Sales Show Variety, Silver Eagles More Limited
AUDIO : PhysicalGoldFund - Physical Gold Fund interviews Director of one of the largest Swiss Refineries
CHART : King One Eye - Palladium Chart: Unleash the Bulls!
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - By This Measure, the U.S. has the 2nd Highest National Debt
AUDIO : Sovereign Man - The accounting scam that is hiding billions of losses in the US banking system
Free Market Cafe - Three Reasons to Buy Gold Right Now
The Sovereign Investor - The Next Gold Rush
09/23/2015 - Bullion News
CHARTS : NAI - "There Is No Inflation, There is No Inflation," if You Keep Saying it You'll Believe it - Just Don't Click this Link
CHARTS : dshort - Brace Yourself: Our Latest Look at Student Debt
Reuters - Platinum at 6-1/2-year low on VW scandal, palladium soars
Schiff Gold - Drop in Gold Output Expected as Mining Companies Lose Money
Daily Reckoning - The Daily Reckoning’s Top Five Gold Articles
CANCER RESEARCH : Casey Research - Titanium and Gold Based Compound Fights Kidney Cancer Cells
Casey Research - The Bull Market is Over
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Is a Cashless Society Inevitable?
Money Metals Exchange - More than Making Money: Living, Fishing, and Investing the Jim Teeny Way
Perth Mint Research - Fractional Reserve Bullion Banking – Part 2
Perth Mint Research - Fractional Reserve Bullion Banking – Part 3
AUDIO : PhysicalGoldFund - Interview with Jim Rickards
The Washington Post - The richest places in America all have one thing in common
09/22/2015 - Bullion News
World Gold Council - China National Gold Group Corporation becomes a member of the World Gold Council
CoinNews - Precious Metals Fall; 2015 Silver Eagles Top 35 Million
SAXO Group - Mr Draghi is driving the bus
Notes from Underground - Where Have You Gone Paul Volcker? Our Nation Turns Its Lonely Eyes To You
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Just How Much Debt
CHARTS : dshort - The Fed's Financial Accounts: What Is Uncle Sam's Largest Asset?
CHART : Zero Hedge - Charting The Death Of Fed Credibility
GOLD & SILVER NANO-PARTICLES : PHYS.org - 'Golden' silver nanoparticle looks and behaves like gold
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - 12 Stunning Visualizations of Gold Shows Its Rarity
MINING - Volkswagen Crashes Platinum Price
CityWire - Gold Dealer Sees Record Transaction
CHARTS : SRSrocco Report - The Silver Supply Crunch Continues
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Deviant Investor - Gold: The End and The Beginning
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : StreetTalkLive - Technically Speaking: Fed Kills The Rally
INVEZZ - Should Silver be your Next Investment Opportunity?
Coin Update - First Australian Kangaroo Silver Bullion Coin Now Available
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09/21/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : CNBC - After All the "BS" - Rick Santelli Tells the Fed what to Expect from its Policies
CHARTS : National Inflation Assoc. - $55 Trillion Global Debt Increase Since Last Fed Rate Hike
Zero Hedge - A Century Of Fed Fools (Or How To Turn $1000 Into $40 Since 1913)
GoldBroker - Why a Gold Standard
The Daily Reckoning - Triffin’s Dilemma and the Future of SDRs by James Rickards
AUDIO : Sputnik - 'Slowdown in China makes the World slowdown' - Jim Rickards
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Nifty Charts - Gold Trend Update
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : King One Eye - Must-See Chart of Gold
VIDEO : The Perth Mint - 2016 Gold And Silver Kangaroo Coins Available From Today
GoldReporter.de - When the deception failed, the hour of gold comes
The Gold Report - Silver Investor David Morgan: Conspiracy Facts Show Metal Prices Have to Rise
09/20/2015 - Bullion News
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CEO.CA - Gold Rallies: Positioning Remains Constructive For Further Gains
Financial Press - Why silver could be a better investment than gold
CHARTS : Zero Hedge - "What Does The Fed Know That We Don't" - Bridgewater's Ray Dalio Answers
The Telegraph - Fed is riding the tail of a dangerous global tiger
Cobden Centre - Austrian Economics, Monetary Freedom, and America’s Economic Roller Coaster
Bullion Vault - Jim Rogers' No.1 Investing Lesson
Reuters - Central banks fret stimulus efforts are falling short
AUDIO : Money Metal Exchange - Gold, Silver Become Dearer
The Himalayan Times - Gold, Silver Become Dearer
Global News - Police charge man in fake Chinese gold artifact scam investigation
Modern Coin Wholesale - Modern Coin Wholesale's Bullion Sales Tax Series: California
Daily Mail - The Great American DIVIDE
REWIND : VIDEO : Mises Media - The Gold Standard Before the Civil War | Murray N. Rothbard
09/18/2015 - Bullion News
International Man - Three Reasons Why the U.S. Government Should Default on Its Debt Today by Doug Casey
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Dangerous place for the S&P 500, says Joe Friday!
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Gold Takes its Cue
The New York Sun - Congress and the Fed
VIDEO : CNBC - The Fed has to Deal with its Own Zombie Apocalypse
Bloomberg - Russia Boosts Gold Reserves by Most in at Least Five Months
GoldSeek - Bron Suchecki is a Gentleman
Perth Mint Research - Chill Out, Gold-Dudes by Bron Suchecki
VIDEO : Peter Schiff - Yellen Admits Rates Could Stay at Zero Forever
SavingAdvice - 10 Coins Worth Money You Can Still Find in Your Pocket Change
CoinWorld - U.S. Mint working to secure sufficient planchets for Proof 2015 platinum American Eagle production
09/17/2015 - Bullion News
CHARTS : dshort - NYSE Margin Debt Declines Again
Zero Hedge - FOMC Stunner: One FOMC Member Forecasts Negative Interest Rates Are Coming To The US
Zero Hedge - This Is What Yellen Said About Negative Rates Coming To The US
The Gold Report - No Fed Rate Hike Good for Gold, Bad Sign for Economy
VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli: More QE coming?
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : Controlled Environments - Nanoparticles Improve Reliability of Mammograms
GoldMoney - Gold Remains Money
Perth Mint Research - Fractional reserve bullion banking – Part 1
BullionStar - New York And London Gold In Backwardation - Good Debate in Comments Section about article
PDF : The Gold Standard Institute - September Journal Issue #57
The Deviant Investor - Outrageous Silver Speculation
INFO~GRAPHIC : ValueWalk - How Do People In Different Countries Spend Their Money?
Professional Jewller - BullionByPost founder pays record £600,000 to secure Gold.co.uk domain
Your Local Guardian (UK) - Sham gold trader who set up fake Mayfair company swindled would-be investors out of life savings
09/16/2015 - Bullion News
CoinWorld - The United States Mint Lowered its Weekly Allocation Sept. 14 of American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins to Authorized Purchasers
VIDEO : Money Week - Bill Bonner Interview: hold on to your cash, the real financial crisis is yet to come
Money Metals Exchange - I Don’t Worry about Gold Confiscation (and You Probably Shouldn’t Either)
Sunshine Profits - To Hike, or Not to Hike – That Is the Question (for Gold)
Zero Hedge - Silver & Gold Jump, Dollar Dumps After CPI Disappoints
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Fed to Pay Banks Billions NOT to Lend!
The New York Sun - Melodrama at the Fed
Kimble Charting - Silver opportunity in play after a historic 68% decline!
Sovereign Man - The US government is out of options. You’re not.
VIDEO : Fox Business - West Shore Funds’ Jim Rickards on the global implications of the Chinese markets and economic slowdown.
Bullion Vault - Ahead of Fed, US Inflation Data See Bullion Prices Jump Out of Tightest Range in 7 Years
Sovereign Man - The last time this happened was… never.
09/15/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : ValueWalk - Jim Rogers: Fed Has No Clue, Should Be Abolished
The Daily Reckoning - Gold -- The Once and Future Currency by Jim Rickards
Sovereign Man - The global financial system is now resting on a margin of 1.3%
GoldReporter.de - Gold production in Nevada falls to the level from 1988
BullionStar - Economic Times: India imported 138t Gold In August. YTD 998t
CoinWeek - Bullion Dealer Tulving Charged with Misappropriation and Fraudulent Solicitation - (scroll down for article)
AUDIO : FSN - John Rubino – Popular Delusions and the Madness of Central Bankers
The Two Sides of Bullion Market Manipulation
Jesse's Cafe' Americain - Bullion Bank Apologists and Physical Versus Paper Gold
PDF : CPM Group - Comex Is Not Running Out Of Gold, Still
VIDEO : CNBC - Robert Shiller: THIS is the sign we're in a bubble
CHARTS : dshort - Debt, Taxes and Politics: A Perspective on Federal Tax History
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09/14/2015 - Bullion News
CoinNews - Gold Gains, Silver Falls; US Mint Gold Sales Jump
The Bullion Desk - Gold price steady, market nervous ahead of Fed meeting
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Connecting the Dots - 9/14/15
Sputnik - US Gold Reserves Bottom Out as Europe's Banks Seek Financial Independence - Good Read
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : SAXO Group - Gold, where is the Bottom? - Where will it go Next? - Gold: $1,089/oz is the halfway point of the rally between 2001 and 2011
VIDEO : ABC NEWS (Australia) - Extended interview with US economist and author Jim Rickards
Perth Mint Research - Who is the Player and Who is Being Played?
The Deviant Investor - Get Rich Quick – The Golden Fleece
Money Metals Exchange - Questions Our Readers Want Answered...
VIDEO : CNBC - Bubble trouble on Wall Street?
09/13/2015 - Bullion News
Wealth Track : James Grant offers his Views on the Fed and Markets
VIDEO : Wealth Track - James Grant - Market Dangers - Link to Video Above
Fox Business - Fed to Dominate Week of Central Bank Meetings
The Telegraph - BIS Fears Emerging Market Naelstrom as Fed Tightens
Zero Hedge - Is Yellen About To Shock Everyone: Goldman Says The "Fed Should Think About Easing"
Sharps Pixley - LAWRIE WILLIAMS: Could Gold Drop Below $1,000? If there’s a Stock Market Crash - Yes.
CNBC - Why China's Not the Only One Selling FX Reserves
AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Michael Pento Warns of “Chaos in the Markets and a Big Leg Down”
U.S. Global Investors - 8 Iconic American Companies that Have Been Hurt by the Strong Dollar
Bullion Vault - Morons, I Tells Ya, Morons!
VIDEO : CTV News - Five suspects arrested in $10M Montreal silver heist
09/12/2015 - Bullion News
Wealth Daily - The Consequences of Selling U.S. Treasuries...
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Trader Dan's World - Gold Short Term Bottom?
Sunshine Profits - Does Public Debt Drive the Gold Price?
Bullion Vault - India's Gold Mobilisation Plans 'Likely to Flop'
VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli: Key level in euro/dollar
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : Mid-Ulster Mail - Cookstown Doctor’s Cancer Research Bringing ‘Golden’ Results
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - USD/JPY - You only see this once every few decades!
SAXO Group - WCU: Energy ebbs, coffee is bitter, bears stalk gold
VIDEO : GoldBroker - John Butler: The Gold Standard
Business Insider - Washington is freaking out over student debt, and this chart shows why
09/11/2015 - Bullion News
Casey Research - “It’s Ludicrous to Believe You Will Create Prosperity by Printing Money”
Silver Coins Today - American Silver Eagle Sales Continue to Soar
StreetTalkLive - 3 Things: Fed Hike, Now Or Never, Claims
Business Insider - The 2 things Puerto Rico needs to save itself aren’t going to happen
The Speculative Investor - Gold’s true fundamentals are mixed, at best
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : Science Times - Nanotechnology: A New Regimen For Cancer
Dollar Collapse - The US Has Already Tightened — Which Explains A Lot
Kitco - Confessions of a Gold Analyst: Fear Mongering About Our Banking System – Part 1
Kitco - Confessions of a Gold Analyst: Fear Mongering About Our Banking System – Part 2
Bloomberg - "Gold is Wealth Insurance" Note: Video may take a moment to Play
VIDEO : Bloomberg - Is Gold Still a Safe Haven Asset? - Link to Video Above
09/10/2015 - Bullion News
The Sovereign Investor - The Collapse of Cash
Notes from Underground - “You Say Why and I Say I Don’t Know” (Because Confusion Reigns)
BullionStar - It’s virtually impossible to get physical gold in London
CHARTS : National Inflation Assoc. - Global Bond Market Liquidity Crisis
VIDEO : CEO.CA - Eric Sprott: The powers that be won’t admit there’s a problem
MineWeb - South Africa’s gold mines are in big trouble
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - S&P in big trouble if it can’t knock this down?
CHARTS : BullionStar - India Precious Metals Import Explosive – August Gold 126t, Silver 1,400t
Perth Mint Research - Foreign currency denominated loans – what me worry?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Deviant Investor - Buy Gold, Sell the S&P
Numismatic News - Silver investment not so simple
Reuters - LME in talks on launch of precious metals derivatives: CEO
CoinWeek - The Gold of Daesh: “Coinage” of the “Caliphate”
09/09/2015 - Bullion News
CFA Institute - How Will Negative Interest Rates Change the Rules of the Game?
The Bullion Desk - SILVER TODAY – Correcting Higher But Making Hard Work of It
Schiff Gold - Comex Update: Plunge in Available Gold for Delivery
Zero Hedge - Something Just Snapped At The Comex (Updated)
CANCER RESEARCH : medical physics web - Smart Implants Tackle Metastatic Disease
CHARTS : dshort - What's Needed for the Prime U.S. Workforce to Fully Recover?
Reuters - India lures gold investors with govt bond, monetisation plan
Mining mx - Platinum deficit to be higher in 2015
Perth Mint Research - Buying Gold Is Not Spending
VIDEO : USA Watchdog - David Morgan: Silver Update Plus Debt at the Center of the Black Hole of Our Problems
CHART : Visual Capitalist - Market Snapshot: Most Assets Hurting, but One Stock Market Bucked the Trend
Business Insider - The 2 men who say they found a Nazi ghost train share 'irrefutable proof of its existence'
09/08/2015 - Bullion News
PDF : Incrementum - In GOLD We TRUST - 2015
SilverSeek - Silver and Deflation
VIDEO : CNBC - Marc Faber on the Fed
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Resource Investor - A Bottom for Gold?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : StreetTalkLive - Technically Speaking: A Sucker's Rally?
OPINION : MarketWatch - Junk Bond Market: Danger Ahead
The Deviant Investor - Crude Oil, Silver, Gold and Real Money
Reuters - Platinum upgrade to golden reserve status seen as monetary alchemy
CHARTS : National Inflation Assoc. - Silver Shortage Update: The End of US Bond Bubble
Money Metals Exchange - Silver Shortage Update: Reviewing Your Options for Fast Delivery and Low Premiums
RT - Treasure hunter says he has found 100 tons of Soviet gold hidden from Nazis during WWII
09/07/2015 - Bullion News
Bullion Vault - Gold Price Slips as China Adds Another 16 Tonnes of Bullion, FX Reserves Plunge
Sunshine Profits - Does Money Supply Drive the Gold Price?
Business Insider - China is falling into a vicious circle as it burns through cash reserves faster than ever before
AUDIO : GoldBroker - Philippe Herlin: Owning Physical Gold Is A Necessity
NZZ - The Euro Will Gain Strength Again Soon
Reuters - S.Africa cbank says not aware of talks to make platinum reserve asset
Reuters - Palladium price slump flags abundant stocks, despite market deficit
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : GoldSeiten - "Weimar Effect" - The Monetary Illusion of Equities Bull Market
BullionStar - How many Good Delivery gold bars are in all the London Vaults?….including the Bank of England vaults
Peak Properity - The Margin Debt Time-Bomb
Zero Hedge - When "Virtuous Debt" Turns Ferociously Vicious: The Mother Of All Corporate Margin Calls On Deck
Star Telegram - Where will Texas have its Gold Depository?
Darien Times - Rickards: Conversation with a Spy
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : Nature World News - Renewable Energy: Splitting Water Molecules from Sunlight
09/05/2015 - Bullion News
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Street Talk Live - Weekend Reading: View From The Edge
The New York Sun - How a Gold-Backed Bond Could Open an Avenue To Monetary Reform
CHART : The Perth Mint - August 2015 - Monthly Sales
GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - September 4, 2015
The Detroit News - Armentano: Economic Ignorance, on the Left and Right
Money Metals Exchange - Dr. Richard Ebeling on the Bankers’ War on Your Money and Your Economic Liberty - Very Good Interview
The Telegraph - Commodities traders not heeding lessons of Libor warns FCA
Investment Week - Fed faces fresh pressure to delay rate rise as jobs data disappoints
Sprott Global - Jim Rickards: "The System Is Highly Unstable—If [Confidence] Is Lost, It Can Melt Down Very Quickly"
McClellan Financial - DJIA’s Proportional Price Oscillator
Bullion Vault - Gold, Beautiful Gold!
PHOTO : History Pics - twitter : Cost of Living, 1938.
09/04/2015 - Bullion News
Silver Doctors - Inside Look at Silver Shortage With CEO of US Mint's Silver Eagle Blank Provider (Sunshine Mint)- Excellent Interview
AUDIO : Silver Doctors - Inside Look at Silver Shortage With CEO of US Mint's Silver Eagle Blank Provider (Sunshine Mint) - Link to Audio Above
Silver Coins Today - Best Ever August for Bullion Silver Eagles
SAXO Group - Macro Digest: The end of global recycling
CHARTS : dshort - August New Jobs Below Forecast but June and July Revised Upward
CARTOON : Hedgeye - Explosion Ahead?
VIDEO : CNBC - Cashin: Fed Crazy to Hike now
Zero Hedge - What Does It Mean If The Fed Hikes... And If It Doesn't
ANALYSIS : Perth Mint Research - Gold and Silver - Positive vs. Negative Trading
The Corner - The ECB eases further: yet another example of “infinitely short and not variable”
Sovereign Man - No Inflation Friday: The government admits its own statistics are phony
AUDIO : Mises.org - Jim Rickards: Will Currency Wars Reorder the World?
BullionStar - Record Monthly Gold Export UK to China
The Speculative Investor - The Right Way to Think About Gold Supply
CoinWorld - Royal Mint Museum Curator Kevin Clancy authors work about UK’s gold sovereign
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09/03/2015 - Bullion News
The Sovereign Investor - The Ultimate Threat to Your Wealth
CoinNews - Gold Falls, Silver Rises for 6th Session; US Coins Rise
Kitco - Gold Could Benefit After Weak Labor Data Friday – Analysts
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Trader Dan's World - Mario Draghi comments hit Euro - Guide Note: As Goes the Euro, Goes Gold
Investment Week - IMF Issues Fresh Warning to Central Banks Against Raising Rates
CHARTS : SAXO GROUP - Steen's Chronicle: The old and the new economic order
Of Two Minds - Will the Fed Have to Save Emerging Markets with QE4?
Profit Confidential - Has Gold put in a Bottom?...
Business Insider - Debt in America is Rising Again — and That's a Good Thing...?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Hubert Moolman - Silver Price Forecast 2015: Silver Set To Start 70s Style Rally?
CHARTS : The Deviant Investor - Silver and S.M.S.
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - 33 Fascinating Facts on U.S. Currency
Daily Reckoning - 20% of One Investing Icon’s Portfolio Now in Gold
OPINION : AFK Insider - BRICS Is Sinking Like One
09/02/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : Bloomberg - Except for Gold, Central Banks are Selling Reserves - Welcome to Quantitative Tightening as $12 Trillion Reserves Fall
Bullion Vault - Bullion Horror! Gold Miner Hedging Returns
Casey Research - The Effects of Corporate Stock Buy-Backs
REWIND : Bloomberg - Ray Dalio: It’s A Depression, Not Recession
VIDEO : Fox Business - How much gold should you have in your portfolio?
U.S. Global Investors - The Many Uses of Gold
Perth Mint Research - Are Platinum & Palladium Worth Adding to Your PM Portfolio?
TECHNICAL TRADERS : Kimble Charting - Long-Term bull market still alive, trend support is where?
Talk Digital Network - Chris Vermeulen - Market Downturn Likely Not Temporary
TECHNICAL TRADERS : The Technical Traders - Round Two Of Global Melt Down – Watch This Unfold...
Money Metals Exchange - The Next Financial Crisis May Already Be Unfolding
BullionStar - The Concept Of Money And The Money Illusion
09/01/2015 - Bullion News
The New York Sun - ‘Crazy’?
Casey Research - Doug Casey : Money—How to Get It and Keep It
VIDEO : MoneyNews - Jim Rogers: Fed Will 'Save the Market' One Last Time
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : StreetTalkLive - Technically Speaking: The Mark Of A Bear
Market Watch - ‘Death cross’ patterns spread to all corners of the stock market
MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Is Fear of China Selling Treasurys Overdone?
SRSrocco Report - U.S. Gold Production Finally Hit Hard Due To Low Price
VIDEO : Fox Business - Marc Faber: We Have Reached Some Kind of Tipping Point
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Nikkei (Japan) topped last 5 times it was here, its back again!
Cobden Centre - If The Fed Is Always Wrong How Can Its Policies Ever Be Right?
ValueWalk - Fed Intervention In Puerto Rico Debt Crisis A Possibility
CoinNews - US Mint’s American Eagle Bullion Sales Rally in August
CHARTS : GoldReporter.de - US Mint sold in August, more than 100,000 ounces of gold
FAKE BULLION : VIDEO : CBS-Sacramento - Grass Valley Jeweler Accused Of Selling Fake Gold, Silver Bars Could Face Tax Charges
AUDIO : Sprott Money - Ask The Expert - Ted Butler
08/31/2015 - Bullion News
CHARTS : National Inflation Assoc. - Exclusive NIA Report: Assets Priced in Gold
The Japan Times - Japan is Looking to Overhaul ‘Abenomics’ a.k.a. QE
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: All roads lead to QE?
CoinNews - Gold Jumps 3.4% in August; US Mint Bullion Coins Impress
Daily Reckoning - How to Protect Your Money from Financial Warfare
GoldSeek - Is Gold Production Peaking?
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : SpectroscopyNow - Raman Spectroscopy Guides Cancer Therapy
Perth Mint Research - A rally that is not meant to be sold
Money Metals Exchange - Is the Retail Metals Market Headed for 2008-Style Shortages and Premium Spikes?
CHARTS : The Deviant Investor - Silver and Warnings From Exponential Markets
Reuters - Dubai Gold Retailer Defaults on $136 mln, Banks Consider Options
Bloomberg - U.S. Currency Probe Expands to Russia, Brazil Trades
08/30/2015 - Bullion News
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Trader Dan's Market Views - Gold Rally Marked by Short Covering
GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - August 28, 2015
BRICS : Reuters - Exclusive: South Africa Mine Industry Job Plan Targets Platinum as Central Bank Reserve Asset
VIDEO : BNN - Personal Investor: How Margin Calls Paint Investors into a Corner
The Japan Times - China’s Journey From New Normal to Stock Market Crisis Epicenter
South China Morning Post - Falling Sales in Hong Kong and China Bank Concerns All Indicators of Darker Times to Come
Global Financial Intelligence - CHINA "Strikes" bulk liquid US TREASURY BONDS
The Daily Reckoning - When it Comes to Recession and Deflation, the Fed is the Last to Know
Bloomberg - A Currency Drop is Inflationary, Right?
The Mess That Greenspan Made - Capitulation? Smart Money? Dumb Money?
Sputnik News - Gold Standard Marks Its Unlikeliest Return With Islamic State
ETF Trends - In a Panic, Gold is a Store of Liquidity
Smithsonian - How a Single Wedding Ring Led to a $6 Billion Gold Hoax
08/29/2015 - Bullion News
James Rickards, discusses the Federal Reserve's Inability to Spark Inflation and the Cross-Influence of Markets and the Fed Note : Video may take a moment to load
Bloomberg - James Rickards, discusses the Federal Reserve's inability to spark inflation and the cross-influence of markets and the Fed - Link to Video above
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Dangerous Place for the S&P 500 to Kiss Resistance
Sovereign Man - All of your hopes and dreams come down to 0.25%
Wealth Daily - There's No Escaping Austrian Economics
CoinNews - Gold Falls; US Mint Gold Sales Log Best Week of 2015
CHARTS : McClellan Financial - Correctly Defining “Bear Market”
VIDEO : Stars and Stripes - Poland Afrenzy Over Latest Rumors of Legendary 'Nazi Gold Train'
08/28/2015 - Bullion News
Sunshine Profits - Is Gold a Portfolio Diversifier?
CHARTS : dshort - NYSE Margin Debt: Down 3.5% from the Previous Month
Bloomberg - Non-Voting Fed President Suggests We Should Have Another Round of QE
Zero Hedge - What China's Treasury Liquidation Means: $1 Trillion QE In Reverse
MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Foreign Central Banks are Still Buying US Treasuries, as China is Selling them
VIDEO : CNBC - Interview with James Rickards : "Investors Should Play it Safe - Stay in Gold and Cash"
VIDEO : Bloomberg - Fed Up Investors Yank Cash From Almost Everything Just Like 2008
Market Watch - Where every Fed member stands on raising interest rates
The Sovereign Investor - The Fed Is Dead Wrong
NewsMax - NY Post's Crudele: 'Bonds Can Suddenly Go Kaboom'
CHARTS : SRSrocco Report - MUST SEE CHARTS : Investors Favor Physical Silver over ETF's
PLATINUM & PALLADIUM : Zero Hedge - US Automaker Panic Button Looms After China's Top Carmaker Warns Of "Grim" Outlook
BBC - Poland radar image 'almost certainly Nazi train'
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08/27/2015 - Bullion News
Investment Week - Gold is Financial Insurance - "How much gold does the People's Bank of China really own?" - It is worth remembering that, although gold is no longer used to back currencies, nation states continue to hold gold as part of their reserves as long-term financial insurance – it does not seem unreasonable for savers to do the same.
LiveTradingNews -A Falling Wedge? (Bullish) or a Downtrend? (Bearish)
MineWeb - Gold Climbs as Bullion Funds See Assets Rise Most in 7 months
VIDEO : ReasonTV - Jim Grant: The Fed Turned the Stock Market Into a 'Hall of Mirrors'
Zero Hedge - It's Official: China Confirms It Has Begun Liquidating Treasuries, Warns Washington
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - 30,000 Foot view after a wild 10-days
The Deviant Investor - Gold and Warnings From Exponential Markets
Global Financial Intelligence - The Real Culprit is the Fed, Not China
GoldSeiten.de - Russia's Gold and Currency Reserves Continue to Rise
Economic Times - How Shemitah, End of Jewish Calendar Cycle, Spooks Market
BBC - Viking coins found in Llandwrog declared treasure
08/26/2015 - Bullion News
The Sovereign Investor - Gold Is the Best Insurance for Your Portfolio
VIDEO : CNBC - Jim Cramer Actually Offers Some Good Advice - Look for More Downward Movement in the Chinese Markets - At Least Half of Chinese Stocks are Trading at 75-times Earnings, for a Comparison, The Dow is Currently Trading at 13-times Earnings
Zero Hedge - Devaluation Stunner: China Has Dumped $100 Billion In Treasurys In The Past Two Weeks
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Global bull market still in play, supreme test at hand now!
Dollar Collapse - Why We Can’t Handle An Equities Bear Market, Part 1: State Budgets Will Implode
Bullion Vault - Extreme? This Is Historic
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : SPIE - Effective Photothermal Treatments for Cancer
Money Metals Exchange - Why Are "Bank Holidays" Always Announced on Sunday?
CoinNews - Gold Drops for Third Session, Silver for Fourth
AUDIO : FSN - Interview with "International Man" Doug Casey
Goldseiten.de - South Africa: Continued strong increase in PGM production
Bloomberg - Venezuela Is Adding More Zeroes to Its Currency to Deal With Hyperinflation
08/25/2015 - Bullion News
U.S. Global Investors - Gold Glimmers as Global Market Fear Grips Investors
Business Insider - SURPRISE! The Founder of the World's Largest Hedge Fund (Ray Dalio) Thinks Everyone is Wrong on the Fed's Next Move
CoinNews - Gold Falls to 1-Week Low; US Mint Coin Sales Soar
VIDEO : Fox Business - ‘The Death of Money’ author Jim Rickards on the Chinese Markets and Economy
Bloomberg - Precious-Metals Trading Is Probed by EU After U.S. Inquiry
CHART : The Speculative Investor - By Viewing the Gold to CRB Ratio Chart "Gold Manipulators Should be Fired for Poor Performance"
National Inflation Assoc. - Gold/Oil Ratio Breaks 30 for First Time in 27 Years!
AUDIO : FSN - Chris Vermeulen – Market Update from the Gold and Oil Guy
Market Update - Switzerland Exported in July, More than 100 Tons of Gold to Asia
MINING - Chinese Gold Imports Rise 48%
The Deviant Investor - Gold Facts and Gold Speculations
Notes from Underground - When China Shakes, the West Rattles and Rolls
NumismaticNews - Everyone should own gold
Bloomberg - Palladium Tumbles Most Since 2011
08/24/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : CNBC - James Grant, Grant's Interest Rate Observer, Says the Mis-Pricing of Asset Values Led by the Central Banks is the Essential Back Story to this Morning's Selloff.
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - World is turning to Euro during global sell off!
TWEET : twitter - James Rickards thoughts on Gold
Zero Hedge - Forget Rate Hikes: Bridgewater Says QE4 Is Next; Warns World Is Approaching End Of Debt Supercycle
The Bullion Desk - Gold on Safe-Haven Bid While Global Markets Sputter
GoldReporter.de - Colombia Sold 64 Percent of its Gold Reserves
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : Polymer Solutions - Scientists Fight Cancer at the Nanoscale
Money Metals Exchange - Should I Wait for Lower Prices before Buying?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - It's Different This Time... but it's Happened Before
Forbes - Three Things About The Gold Standard That Everyone Should Know
AUDIO : FSN - John Rubino – Is Worldwide QE Next?
Daily Reckoning - Why The Bear of 2015 Is Different From The Bear of 2008
The Washington Post - Virginia Man Charged in Theft of about $2 Million in Gold, Silver from Home - The Best Way to Keep Your Home Safe, is by NOT Telling Anyone What is in It.
International Man - Your Gold Is Only as Good as Where You Store It
The Speculative Investor - China’s Bubble has Burst
CoinWeek - Chinese Coins: The First Year Gold, Silver and Brass Panda Coins
08/23/2015 - Bullion News
Sunshine Profits - Is Gold a Safe Haven?
The Seattle Times - Gold Climbs on Fed Statements
The Telegraph - China Syndrome Threatens Markets Meltdown
South China Morning Post - Bumpy road for China stocks as pension fund gets investment go-ahead
Bloomberg - Qatar's Doha Bank Expects Record Gold Sales on Stock Market Volatility
VIDEO : Schiff Gold - Greenspan: Higher Interest Rates Are Inbred in Human Nature
Mises.org - Economics Is Dead, and It Is Being Killed Again
Kitco - Is Soros Bottom Picking In The Gold Sector?
Business Insider - These billionaires just made massive bets on gold and airlines
AUDIO : The Daily Gold - Greg Weldon Comments on Stocks, Bonds, Fed Policy & Gold
Profit Confidential - U.S. Economic Collapse: Growth in Share Buybacks Killing Job Numbers
Daily Mail - Mining profits gloom as prices of raw materials tumble to six-year low amid fears Chinese slowdown will hit global growth
08/22/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Technical Traders - Week of Aug 24th Forecast – Gold, Oil, Equities
Reuters - Gold industry analysts expect price boost from currency war fears
Money Metals Exchange - Demand for Government–Minted Coins Is a Barometer
Reuters - India's Imports of Gold-Silver Alloy May Almost Double - Refiner
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : PHYS.org - Intractable Pain May Find Relief in Tiny Gold Rods
Bloomberg View - A Brutal Week in Markets, But What Comes Next? by Mohamed El-Erian
VIDEO : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CNBC - This Could Spell More Trouble
Zero Hedge - The Demands For Another Fed Bailout Have Begun
Thoughtful Cynic - Dow down 888 in 2 days! Is this the Big One?
VIDEO : ValueWalk - Wilbur Ross Weighs In On The U.S. Stock Selloff
MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Funds Are Loving Gold Again!
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08/21/2015 - Bullion News
Daily Wealth - The Ultimate Insurance Against Financial Disaster
IIFL - Golden Week for Precious Metals
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : King One Eye - The US Dollar ($USD) Resumes Its Downtrend
AUDIO : Silver-Investor - Silver Guru David Morgan on SmartWealth Radio - Diversify Your Investments - Use Safe Income Strategies
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Looks like 2000 again for this tech index, says Joe Friday
CHARTS : Doug Short - S&P 500 Snapshot: Three Quarters of the Way to a 10% Correction
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : ChemistryWorld - Cancer Biomarker Counted Up With The Naked Eye
GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - August 21, 2015
GoldReporter.de - CME Group Cheapened Futures Trading Silver
Market Watch - Is the gold rally a dead-cat bounce or new bull market?
AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Secretary of State Warns Forces “Bubbling Out There” to Supplant U.S. Dollar
SRSrocco Report - When The Global Silver Shortage Arrives… It Will Be Too Late
The Speculative Investor - The meaning of the 6-year low in GLD’s bullion inventory
TFMetals Report - "A Mathematical Certainty", by Thad Beversdorf
08/20/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : Trading Floor - Hansen: Is This a Turning Point for Gold?
CoinWorld - American Eagle silver bullion coin sales cross 30-million mark from U.S. Mint
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Gold Bugs and S&P 500 about to change trend?
NORFED : CoinWorld - Federal government to return millions of dollars in Liberty Dollars seized by authorities in 2007
The Bullion Desk - Is gold’s steadiness now a warning about other markets?
CNN - No Big Fat Indian Wedding is Complete Without Lots of Gold
VIDEO : CNBC - Gold seeing record shorts: Sharps Pixley CEO
Daily Reckonging - The Dollar Will Not Be Overthrown in October (Part II)
Casey Research - Here’s What Happens When Central Banks Run Out of Ammo
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Deviant Investor - Silver – More Evidence of a Price Bottom
The Technical Traders - The Global Economy’s Health Is Not That Complicated
Zero Hedge - Draghi Failed: European Inflation Expectations Slide To Pre-QE Level
The Economic Times - Deutsche Bank to Resign as London Bullion Clearer: Sources
Atlas Obscura - Cheating Wonders: The $6,000,000,000 Gold Mine That Didn't Exist
08/19/2015 - Bullion News
Mises Institute - Keeping the Bubble-Boom Going
CoinNews - Gold Ends at 1-Month High; US Silver Eagles Rise
MarketWatch - Greenspan warns about bond-market bubble
Perth Mint - Calls Of A Silver Shortage Often Misleading
The Daily Reckoning - The Dollar Will Not Be Overthrown in October (Part I) by James Rickards
The New York Times - Fed Minutes Show Caution in Discussion on Rates
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli: No one knows where they wanna go!
Pragmatic Capitalist - The Fed Would be Nuts to Raise Rates
The Sovereign Investor - The Fed Needs to Stop Talking
VIDEO : CNBC - "The #Fed is the Poster Child for Mis-Management"
Notes from Underground - Notes From Underground: Let’s Deflate the Cult of Personality and Media-Inflated Infallibility
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - “Free Money for All”: QE for the people!
Zero Hedge - US Dollar Flash Crash Sparks Precious Metals Surge
Mirror - Lost Nazi ghost train loaded with looted gold and gems 'is found by treasure hunters'
08/18/2015 - Bullion News
Plata - The US Dollar is Worth "A Flyspeck of Gold" by Hugo Salinas Price
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : FXStreet - XAU/USD: Picking-up pace for a retest of 3-week highs?
Kimble Charting - Dow in the Tightest Range Ever
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Macro's One-way Street - I live on a one-way street that's also a dead end. I'm not sure how I got there. - Stephen Wright
Gold Republic - Gold and Real Interest Rates. Fact, Fiction, or a Half-truth?
CNN Money - Venezuela's currency is worth less than a napkin
Sovereign Man - This government printed so much money the mint workers went on strike
The Speculative Investor - Basic Gold Market Facts
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Deviant Investor - Silver Cycle Low – Now
VIDEO : Kitco - Gold Prices Lower Ahead of FOMC, Holmes Expects $1,000 - $1,350 Range
Numimaster - Bullion supports ANA show
ChinaDaily - China improves exchange rate formation system
BizJournal - Want to buy a Krugerrand or Rolex — at a Discount? - Over 800 unclaimed safe deposit boxes headed to auction
08/17/2015 - Bullion News
GoldSeiten.de - Why Gold Now More Than Ever to the Safe Harbor - Google Translation Link
CoinNews - Gold, Silver Advance; 2015 Silver Eagles Top 30M
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Nifty Charts - SILVER Chart Update
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Technical Traders - Global Markets and Dow Jones Fire Warning Shot Across Investors Bow!
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - The Silver Series: Making The Case For Silver
Market Watch - Market timer Tom McClellan sees stocks set up for ‘ugly decline’ as early as Thursday
Money Metals Exchange - Here’s Why Your Investment Advisor WON’T Tell You about Silver and Gold IRAs
Casey Research - This “Pig” Just Made a Massive Bet on Gold
GoldReporter.de - Banks Rise at a World's Largest Gold Fund
- Google Translation Link
Monetary Metals - Why Is Gold Becoming Scarcer
VIDEO : CNBC - HSBC predicts a golden recovery for the end of 2015
Market Watch - Dallas Fed names former Goldman Sachs banker as president
VIDEO : CBSnews - MoneyMakers: Artist at the U.S. Mint
08/16/2015 - Bullion News
Business Insider - What gold is really worth — and why you shouldn't worry
The Sovereign Investor - Is the Economy Ready for Higher Interest Rates?
Financial Sense - Big Picture Special Edition: Felix Zulauf and Marc Chandler Weigh in on Currency Wars and the Chinese Devaluation
GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - August 14, 2015
PDF : Gold Standard Institute - Monthly Journal Issue #56
NewsMax - Rosenberg: Junk Bonds Point to 9 Percent Stock-Market Slump
SRSrocco Report - SILVER DOCTORS: Wholesale Silver Shortage…. CONFIRMED
Perth Mint Research - Coin Shortage FAQs: telling a real shortage from a capacity shortage
Wealth Daily - Is it Just the Chinese Manipulating Currency?
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Bill King: Desperate China Escalates Currency War
GoldMoney - Market Report: China Acts Following SDR Rejection
Bloomberg - Paulson Cuts Gold ETP Holdings for First Time in Two Years
BARRON'S - Stanley Druckenmiller’s 13-F Shows Big, New Stake in Gold ETF
08/14/2015 - Bullion News
MarketWatch - Gold's Loud Message to Stock Bulls
VIDEO : CNBC - Money flees US stocks at highest level since 1993
Bullion Vault - China Doubles Rate of Gold Buying, Yuan Devaluation 'the Big Focus' for Bullion Gains
SilverCoins - Where to Sell Silver Coins for Cash (8 Options)
Daily Reckoning - China Destroys the “August Myth”
GoldReporter.de - Iran gets back gold from Switzerland
Forbes - Why Now Is A Great Time To Buy Gold
Profit Confidential - Gold Price Forecast: Gold is Only Protection from Global Currency War
Sunshine Profits - Is Gold an Inflation Hedge?
VIDEO : The Blaze - John Kerry Warns of Dire Consequence for the Dollar if Congress Rejects Iran Deal
08/13/2015 - Bullion News
New Eastern Outlook - The Worth of Gold Growing by the Day
The Telegraph - Europe in crisis: everyone from Putin to ordinary savers is stockpiling gold
CoinNews - Blue Ridge Parkway Five Ounce Silver Coin Photos
Perth Mint - 2016 Australian Bullion Coin Program Unveiled Today
Perth Mint - Introducing Australia’s First ‘Four Nines’ Silver Bullion Coin
cnsnews - 150 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : Science Times - Medical Nanotechnology Breakthrought Will Change Mankind Forever
VIDEO : CNBC - The junk bond market 'is having a coronary': David Rosenberg
Live Trading News - Still Neutral Gold, Trendless With No Reliable Signals
The Deviant Investor - Desolation Row: The Silver Market
Motley Fool - Could Gold Really Hit $5,000 or Even $25,000?
VIDEO : CNBC - Fed may have to go back to 0
Bullion Street - India's Q2 Gold demand drops 25% to 154.5 tons: WGC
SD Bullion - 4.8 star Customer Reviews
08/12/2015 - Bullion News
Monetary Metals - The Economy is in Liquidation Mode By Keith Weiner
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Global Debt Crisis
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - A Closer Look at the Death Cross
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Technical Traders - Ugly Outlook – Global Economics, Quantitative Easing and Equities
VIDEO : Fox Business - ‘Currency Wars’ author Jim Rickards on China’s Economy and Currency Devaluation.
Goldreporter.de - China's Gold Reserves are Now Updated Monthly - Google Translation Link
Reuters - China Central Bank Under Pressure to Weaken Yuan Further
Santelli Exchange: Yuan falls after Chinese intervention
Sovereign Man - What China’s devaluation means for the future of the dollar
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - The Richest Zip Codes in America in One Map
Business Standard - With Valcambi, Rajesh Mehta strikes pure gold
Fusion - German teen finds a giant bar of possible Nazi gold (?) at the bottom of a lake
Daily Mail - 'Chemotherapy changed the way I viewed life' - Chemotherapy leaves physical and mental scars, the Cancer Research that this Guide supports offers a Better Way to Treat Cancer
08/11/2015 - Bullion News
Investing - Physical Gold In Big Demand
MarketWatch - Dow death cross is a bearish omen for the stock market
CoinNews - Gold Advances for Fourth Session; US Mint Coin Sales Rise
Daily Reckoning - Global Gain Means Global Pain by James Rickards
The Wall Street Journal - 5 Things to Know About China’s Currency Devaluation
Reuters - Gold at three-week high as investors assess China currency move
VIDEO : CNBC - Cashin: Currency Wars to Heat Up
Investment Week - Bond Managers 'Nervous' About Banks' Role in Liquidity Projects
Money Metals Exchange - You Worked to Have It... Now Work to Keep It
LiveMint - MMTC-PAMP India head says Modi’s plan to tap India’s gold hoard falls short
China Daily - China's Top 5 Gold Bar Sellers
CoinWeek - Technology Innovation Boosts Chinese Panda Coins – New Gold Coin Trading System
VIDEO : CNBC - Peter Schiff explains why America is winning the currency war, and why that's bad news for the country's economy.
Seeking Alpha - The 'Big Long' - Goldman Sachs And HSBC Buy 7.1 Tons Of Physical Gold
Business Insider - Criminals are manipulating the stock market and regulators can't seem to stop it
08/10/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : BNN - “To say the U.S. economy is healthy is laughable”: Larry Berman
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Resource Investor - Chart of the day: Gold signal has been given
Money Metals Exchange - What You Need to Know about Silver Supply and Premiums
VIDEO : CNBC - Dollar in peaking mode: Paulsen
Perth Mint - Great Hammerhead Shark 1/2oz Silver Bullion Coin Available Now
VIDEO : Bloomberg - Greenspan: Be Afraid of Pending Bubble in Bond Market
Bullion Vault - India's Richest Temple Backs Gold 'Monetization' Scheme
08/08/2015 - Bullion News
MarketWatch - Extreme Pessimism Suggests a Rally in Gold Soon
Investment Research Dynamics - Provident Metals Defaults On Delivery Of RCM 10 oz. Bars
Mises.org - The Unseen Consequences of Zero-Interest-Rate Policy
GoldSilverWorlds - Media Stocks Collapse, Gold Holds Its Own
Wolf Street - The Great Unwind Has Begun, Bankruptcies Soar
Casey Research - Sorry, We Don’t Have Your Money
MarketWatch - Dow 7-day losing streak worst since debt-ceiling crisis
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Clive Maund - The NASDAQ's days are numbered too...
Marc to Market - Dollar Outlook and Currency Rotation
The New York Times - Pain of Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis Is Weighing on the Little Guy, Too
Gold-Eagle - Avoid A Catastrophic Loss; How Gold Is Like Insurance For Your Portfolio
Bible MoneyMatters - The Repercussions Of A Temporary Income Drop And Ways To Minimize The Damage
08/07/2015 - Bullion News
Sunshine Profits - Gold Investment Demand 101
Mish's Blog - Establishment Survey +215K Jobs, Household Employment Survey +101K, Part-Time Employment -760K, Labor Force +69K
AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Interview with John Rubino
MoneyWeek - Where is China hiding all of its gold?
Perth Mint Research - A very silly thing to think about Comex
The Deviant Investor - Gold, Golf, & Silver … are Similar
Schiff Gold - Just How Big Is the Gold Market?
VIDEO : Bloomberg - Is Gold Heading to $800 an Ounce?
GoldSeek - The myth of gold price manipulation
BDlive - MARKET WATCH: Platinum at six-year low
08/06/2015 - Bullion News
Monetary Metals - Yield Purchasing Power: $100M Today Matches $100K in 1979
The Bullion Desk - Precious metals tightly bound ahead of Friday’s US jobs report
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Crude Oil on its way to much lower prices? Impact S&P 500?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - The Wizard of Odds for the US $
VIDEO : CNBC - David Stockman's new warning
The Wall Street Journal - 5 Things to Watch in the July Jobs Report
dshort - Anticipating the Employment Report for July: ADP Number Disappoints
Zero Hedge - 3 Warnings For Market Bulls
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - $60 Trillion of World Debt in One Visualization
Thoughtful Cynic - The CPI – A Crummy Metric
CoinNews - Precious Metals Rise as Dollar Edges Lower
Perth Mint Research - Will gold miners hedge, like the 1990s, into a falling price?
GoldSeek - Gold Bullion Demand In ‘Chindia’ Heading Over 2,000 Tons Again
Money Metals Exchange - China’s Secret Gold Hoarding Strategy
Profit Confidential - Gold Price Decline: Mints Around the World Witnessing Exuberant Demand
08/05/2015 - Bullion News
MoneyBeat - Mom and Pop Buck Trend to Snap Up Physical Gold
Perth Mint Research - How much gold should you have in your portfolio?
Silver Coins Today - 2015 Koala Silver Coin in High Relief and 1/10 Oz Size
VIDEO : Schiff Gold - Paper vs. Physical Gold: Basic Supply & Demand
AUDIO : Howe Street - Chris Vermeulen; Gold to Make Major Plunge?
VIDEO : International Man - Doug Casey: Why the US Is the Next Greece
Of Two Minds - I Sure Am Glad There's No Inflation
Dollar Collapse - Faced With “Significant Deterioration,” Fed Begins Its Rate Hike Walk-Back
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - 40-Year support line in play again, should impact S&P 500!
The Speculative Investor - The amazing inability to see the Fed’s money creation
CoinNews - US Mint Bullion Coin Sales Again Soar in July
Goldreporter.de - Tenfold gold imports in Turkey in July - Google Translation Link
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Yellen Subpoenaed for Leak, Will not Comply!
FAKE BULLION ALERT : Perth Now - Man charged after fake gold Buddhas, ingots seized in Pyrmont hotel room
08/04/2015 - Bullion News
Sovereign Man - Some Clear Thinking About the Price of Gold
LiveTradingNews - Gold Short Positions At Record Highs, Which Way Is North?
Business Times - Platinum reaches 6-year low on China demand concern; gold steady
GRAPHIC : CoinWorld - Gold American Eagle bullion sales in July more than double June's total
GRAPHIC : CoinWorld - Silver American Eagle bullion sales climb for third straight month
Business Standard - India - Jewellery sales up on lower gold price
Plata - Hugo Salinas Price: Will China Play The 'Gold Card'?
Bullion Vault - Bullion Rallies as Shanghai's International Gold Market Hits Zero Volume, Silver ETF Sheds Metal
International Man - When a Train Wreck Is No Accident
The Street - 5 Extraordinary Things That Will Shake Up Precious Metals
CHART : CEO.CA - What are the Most Bullish Month of the Year for Gold
Reuters - Worried about China's Meltdown; South Koreans Pile into Gold
Sunshine Profits - Is Gold Doomed?
Twitter - James Rickards Thoughts on Puerto Rico...
08/03/2015 - Bullion News
Sovereign Man - Sun Tzu on Value Investing
Bullion Vault - Bullion Avoids Base Metals' China PMI Sell-Off But 'Gold Bandwagon' More Bearish Amongst Money Managers
VIDEO : CNBC - Cashin says: Crude spills over
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Nifty Charts - SILVER Chart analysis
Metal Miner - Palladium and Platinum Nose-Dive as Precious Metal Weakness Continues
Business Insider - Puerto Rico's 'death spiral' has officially begun
Jeff Rubin - Falling crude prices put producers between a rock and a hard place
Juggling Dynamite - Trends that matter
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : PHYS.org - Gold-Diamond Nanodevice for Hyperlocalised Cancer Therapy
Money Metals Exchange - Investment Silver Demand Draining COMEX Vaults
Kitco - U.S. Mint Reports Whopping 469% YoY Increase In Gold Bullion Sales
Reuters - U.S. Mint has 1.18 million oz of silver coins for sale this week
CoinNews - Gold Starts August with Decline; Silver Eagle Sales Top 28M
GoldSeek - The Reality of Available Gold & Silver Bullion
The Speculative Investor - Is the Fed privately owned? Does it matter?
08/02/2015 - Bullion News
Value Walk - Gold On Sale, Says The Rational Investor Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, said it best: “If you don’t own gold, you know neither history nor economics.”
Paul Nathan - A Glaring Contradiction In Monetary Policy
Secular Investor - Gold – The More Hate, The More Bullish We Become
Bloomberg - Dollar Bulls Retreat as Slowing Pay Dents Fed Hike Speculation
Business Insider - IT'S A HUGE WEEK FOR THE US ECONOMY: Here's your complete preview
VIDEO : Bloomberg - Will Commodity Defaults Spread?
Sovereign Man - The latest government trust fund to go bankrupt
McClellan Financial - Debunking the Fed as the Controller of Inflation
Zero Hedge - Here's The Bad News That Nobody Is Telling You About The Record Lows In Initial Jobless Claims
Daily Mail - CEO who set his firm's minimum wage to $70K hits hard times: Highly-paid top employees quit in disgust and he faces lawsuit over his own 'excessive' $1m salary
CNBC - Fed's trillions haven't helped worker paychecks
Armstrong Economics - Puerto Rico Default – Welcome to Big Bang
Shore News - The Gold and Silver Mine: Mint’s need for silver may mean the time is right for buying
Zero Hedge - Gold And The Grave Dancers
07/31/2015 - Bullion News
GoldSeek - Perth Mint and U.S. Mint Cannot Meet Demand as Gold Bullion Demand Surges
SRSrocco Report - Fear Spreading In The Global Financial System Pushes Gold & Silver Eagle Sales To New Highs
The Deviant Investor - Silver – A Century of Prices
CEO.CA - Gold: Stunning Divergence Between Sentiment and Price
AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Fund Manager Frank Holmes on Gold, the Dollar, and Collapsing Gold/Silver Production
sify - Silver a Better Long-Term Investment Bet than Gold
MoneyBeat - Gold Slump Invokes Predictions of Doom
GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - July 31, 2015
Business Insider - If Puerto Rico is Going Down, it Could Start this Weekend
National Review - Did You Ever Notice the Asterisk on Your Social Security Statement?
BusinessReport - Yellen’s new problem is Chinese tapering
Bullion Vault - India 'Reclaims' No.1 Gold Demand from China
Perth Mint Research - Speculators, value investors and gold
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07/30/2015 - Bullion News
Market Watch - Forget Whether $100 Silver is Possible, How About $1000?
VIDEO : CNBC - Technician Louise Yamada Offers Her Analysis of Gold and its Future
examiner - Demand for Physical Metal Skyrockets as Prices Drop
Bullion Vault - Gold? Dr.Copper's Diagnosis
South China Morning Post - Waiting on economic perfection by the US Fed
VIDEO : Gordon T Long - David Morgan talks SILVER
Numismatic News - July gold sales double previous best
Sunshine Profits - Has China Manipulated the Gold Market?
321gold - Gold and the Full Moon
BARRON's - Piling on Gold
VIDEO : Silver-Investor - Interview with David Morgan about the Gold to Silver Ratio and the Silver Market
Reuters - India's jewellery exports can quintuple to $40 billion if controls tightened
Schiff Gold - London Metal Exchange to Accept Yuan as Collateral
VIDEO : JCK - Watch a Florida Diver Discover $1 Million in Gold - (Scroll Down for Video)
07/29/2015 - Bullion News
Business Insider - The Fed is Still Waiting
WallStreetExaminer - Fed Is Not Just Behind The Curve, It’s Driving The Bus Over The Cliff
The Daily Reckoning - Rope-a-Doping the Global Elites by James Rickards
Of Two Minds - Currency Devaluation: The Crushing Vice of Price
Perth Mint - SOLD OUT Funnel-Web Spider Coin Achieves Full 1 Million Mintage
Mint News Blog - 2015 ATB Blue Ridge Parkway 5 Ounce Silver Coin Sells Out
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : PHYS.org - Probe Enables Tumor Investigation Using Complementary Imaging Techniques
Bullion Vault - Polka-Dots, Jeggings and $350 Gold
Perth Mint Research - Gold market liquidity and manipulation
Market Watch - Get Ready to Cash in on the Bottom for Commodities
VIDEO : CNBC - Alan Greenspan: This is 'extremely dangerous'
Casey Research - What You’ve Heard About Gold and Interest Rates is Dead Wrong
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Just Look at Who’s Shorting Gold, Now Do the Opposite
CEO.CA - A Scary Proposition for Gold Bulls
Goldreporter.de - Gold gets into the focus of anti-money laundering investigation - Google Translation Link
07/28/2015 - Bullion News
Notes from Underground - Enduring the Doldrums of a Central Bank-Controlled Market Structure
Market Watch - UPS Fires Warning Shot Across the Bow of the Stock Market and the Fed
Goldreporter.de - Gold Positioning Extreme - Google Translation Link
Daily Wealth - How Much Cash Should You Hold?
Bullion Vault - Gold Positioning Extreme
Perth Mint Research - How much gold does China really have?
Gold-Eagle - Is the Gold Price Manipulated?
CoinNews - Gold Little Changed; US Mint Coin Sales Surge
The Deviant Investor - Gold & Silver Money Has Devolved Into Debt and Plastic
Reuters - Gold demand weakest since 2009 in Q2 as Chinese turned to stocks-GFMS
Market Watch - Upticks in Silver Demand Seen in First Half of 2015
SafeHaven - Open Letter to Alexis Tsipras by Keith Weiner
Zero Hedge - US Middle Class Stays Dead: Homeownership Drops To 48 Year Low; Median Asking Rent Soars To All Time High
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07/27/2015 - Bullion News
CoinNews - Gold Bounces; American Silver Eagles Jump 1.3M in Return
Bullion Vault - Bullish on Gold & Silver Bears? A Fistful of Ratios
Market Watch - The carnage isn’t over in gold, other metals-mining stocks
Reuters - Jeweller Rajesh Exports buys refiner Valcambi for $400 million
Zero Hedge - UBS Exposes The "Scary Reality" Of High Yield Energy
CNBC - Art Cashin is Lookin' a Little Worried: It's a wacky year
Wall Street Examiner - The What’s Wrong With This Picture Chart of the Month – Durable Goods
StreetTalkLive - When Will We Ever Learn?
Monetary Metals - Monetary Metals Supply and Demand Report 26 July, 2015
Reuters - Speculators Show Global Commodities Rout is Still Not Over
Money Metals Exchange - Inflation Deniers Emboldened by Gold's Struggles
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - The Relative Value of $100 in Every American State and County
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Markets are tough to understand
WonkBlog - The remarkably high odds you’ll be poor at some point in your life
07/26/2015 - Bullion News
Gold-Eagle - Macroeconomics And Metals
Gurofocus - 3 Reasons Why Gold Isn't Behaving Like Gold Right Now - U.S. Global Investors
The Hindu - India must determine own gold price, feels IBJA
IMAGES : Mint News Blog - Designs Revealed for 2016 America the Beautiful Quarters Program
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Secular Investor - The Breakdown Of 2015 Is Now A Fact
Market Watch - Opinion: An open letter to investors who are bullish on gold
Thoughtful Cynic - The Truth About China’s Gold
Zero Hedge - How We Got Here - The 2008 Financial Crisis For Dummies
CoinWeek - Crazy Times — The Hunt Brothers Stir Things Up
07/24/2015 - Bullion News
The Sovereign Investor - The World Is Addicted to Debt
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Google & Dr. Copper Charts Show Similar Patterns to those of 2007; Will the Results be the Same?
Goldreporter.de - Gold Production: Up to Three Quarters of the Mines Make Losses Now - Google Translation Link
CHARTS : dshort - New Home Sales Decline to 482K
VIDEO : CNBC - CNBC's Rick Santelli reports the latest data and Fed projections
Zero Hedge - Fed "Accidentally" Released Dovish Confidential Market-Moving Forecasts, Blames "Glitch"
Casey Research - A New Round of Central Bank Easing Has Started… Here’s What to Do
Peak Prosperity - Deflation Is Winning – Beware!
VIDEO : Kitco - Interview with Jim Grant on Gold, the Fed and Interest Rates
SRSrocco Report - Financial Time Bombs Push Gold Eagles Sales To Record High
Reuters - Platinum set to fight back after slide to six-year lows
MineWeb - Palladium under siege but strong fundamentals may end carnage
The Street - 6 Coins Worth Their Weight in Gold -- And Then Some
4-traders - Royal Mint : announces positive results for 2014-15
07/23/2015 - Bullion News
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Deviant Investor - Gold, Silver, Equities: Megaphone Patterns
Monetary Metals - Why Are We Here?
GoldMoney - Gold and Gibson’s Paradox
CoinNews - Gold Snaps 10-Session Slump; US Mint Gold Coin Sales Gain
CoinWorld - More American Eagle gold bullion sales in July than any month since April 2013
Schiff Gold - Happy 50th Birthday to “Junk Silver”
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Gold is Dead, Long Live Gold
ANALYSIS : Perth Mint Research - Where to for Australian gold price
Money Metals Exchange - Timeless Tips from the "Richest Man in Babylon"
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : King One Eye - Silver Tests Support, Waits on Gold's Signal
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Lowest jobless claims since 1973
Reuters - Bullion dealers trade blame in hunt for "bear raid" leader
07/22/2015 - Bullion News
Business Insider - Peter Schiff: Gold Doesn't Require a Leap of Faith
Market Watch - Here’s the real reason the Fed wants to raise rates
MINGIN GLOBAL - 15 Things You Didn't Know About Gold
CHARTS : Zero Hedge - This Is The 'Thinnest' New High In Stock Market History
VIDEO : CNBC - George Gero a precious metals strategist at RBC Capital Markets sees Anomalies in the Gold Market
Bullion Vault - Gold Bullion 'Liquidation' Below $1100 Hits Miners & Retailers
GoldSeek - Russians Buy Gold Again In June – Another 25 Tonnes
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Gold: Manipulation Tries to Force Capitulation
Cobden Centre - Doug Noland: Credit Bubble Bulletin
Reuters - Gold rout spurs buying spree of U.S. Mint coins
VIDEO : Fox Business - ‘The Death of Money’ author Jim Rickards discusses the falling prices of gold.
FAKE BULLION ALERT : Prague Post - Photos: Police Uncover Counterfeit Gold Scam
ABC (Australia) - US company takes first steps towards mining asteroids in space
The Speculative Investor - Beware of bogus “inflation” indices
07/21/2015 - Bullion News
VIDEO : Bloomberg - Is the U.S. Dollar Moving Gold Prices?
Profit Confidential - Jim Rogers: Gold Prices Could Plunge to $960
Perth Mint Research - What’s the spin on the gold smash
Monetary Metals - Lions, Tigers, and Gold Bears, Oh My!
KANZIUS RADIOWAVE CANCER RESEARCH : NewsWeek - Kanzius Cancer Machine Gets Its First Human Trial
CoinNews - Gold Falls for Ninth Session, Silver Edges Higher
This is Money - Why has gold plunged to five-year lows - and will a US rate hike send it spiralling below $1,000?
Bullion Vault - Extremis Setting In for Gold
Economic Times - China's gold buying spree to continue, say analysts and traders
Market Watch - What ‘peak hatred’ for gold may mean for stocks
AUDIO : PhysicalGoldFund - The Gold Chronicles: Interview with Jim Rickards
The Deviant Investor - Missing Gold, Unpayable Debts, Financial Crises, Bail-Outs and Bail-Ins… There Must Be a Better Way
Zero Hedge - What Happened The Last Time The Mainstream Media Unleashed The Anti-Gold Artillery
Jason Zweig - Jason Zweig's Article on GOLD from the Wall Street Journal titled: "Let’s Be Honest about Gold: It’s a Pet Rock" - written by someone who is biased against gold
07/20/2015 - Bullion News
Thoughtful Cynic - Gold’s Plunge- The Beginning of the End for the COMEX?
CHARTS : dshort - NYSE Margin Debt: Up 1.2% over the Previous Month
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CEO.CA - 4 Reasons A Buying Opportunity is Fast Approaching in Gold
VIDEO : CNBC - Cashin says: Gold hit by 3-pronged attack
Money Metals Exchange - Are Safe-Haven Investors Now Shunning Futures Markets?
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : Nanotechweb - Targeting Melanoma with Peptide-Conjugated Nanoparticles
VIDEO : Gordon T Long - David Morgan talks SILVER
Reuters - Gold's rapid slide came after surge in Chinese sales
Zero Hedge - Gold, Precious Metals Flash Crash Following $2.7 Billion Notional Dump
Casey Research - Our Take on Gold’s Horrible Day
The Telegraph - Why is the gold price falling and where is it going next?
Sprott Thoughts - Eric Sprott: "I Haven't Lost any Conviction" on Gold and Silver
SHTFplan - Dozens of Nations Deep in Debt: “Bankruptcy Of The Planet Accelerates”
Market Watch - Asteroid passing by Earth may hold $5 trillion in precious metals
07/19/2015 - Bullion News
Market Watch - Opinion: Greed is Still Trumping Fear, and That’s Bad for Stocks
CHART : National Inflation Assoc. - Warning for S&P 500
CoinNews - US Mint to Resume Silver Eagle Sales on July 27
CHARTS : Hambone's Stuff - 2015 Is Truly Unbelievable in the US Treasury "Market"
Free Market Cafe - The Dollar Heads to Debasement
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : GoldSilverWorlds - Gold, Silver, Equities: Secular Megaphone Patterns
Zero Hedge - Which Is A Bigger "Act Of Faith" - Owning Gold Or Stocks?
Bullion Star - Analyzing PBOC Official Gold Reserves Increment
Twitter - James Rickard's thoughts on China's Gold Reserves
Daily Sabah - Germany should leave euro instead of Greece, says former IMF official
Peak Prosperity - All Hail Our Banking Overlords!
CoinWorld - America's gold rushes: California finds dwarf earlier Appalachian gold finds
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07/17/2015 - Bullion News
Sunshine Profits - Are the Production or Consumption Drivers of the Gold Price?
The Sovereign Investor - Why Gold Is Your Best Protection in a Crumbling Economy
GoldMoney - Market Report: Extremes become more extreme
Market Watch - Opinion: Top Money Managers are Turning to Gold — Should You?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : McClellan Financial - Gold Priced In Euros Has Gone Quiet
Daily Reckoning - Why Most Gold Bugs and Bloggers are Dead Wrong About China’s Gold
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : medGadget - Gold Nanoparticles Market Anticipated To Grow To $4.86 Billion by 2020: Grand View Research, Inc.
Market Watch - Forget QE, Wall Street’s new drug is the stock buyback
Bloomberg - China Ends Mystery of Gold Hoard to Top Russia’s Holdings
Perth Mint Research - Where did 110 tonnes of CME Hong Kong gold go?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Deviant Investor - Take the Low Risk Road
AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Michael Rivero Speaks on Fake Gold, War in Europe, War on Cash
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli: Buzz about Fed decisions
Dollar Collapse - Why Pensions Are A (Big) Black Swan
Futures Magazine - 4 Emotions Every Trader Needs to Overcome
Deccan Herald (India) - Cops catch 3 men tunnelling into jewellery shop in JP Nagar
07/16/2015 - Bullion News
Daily Pfennig - Another “IF” The Economy Evolves...
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Daily Gold - Video : Precious Metals Video Update: Gold & Silver Prognosis - Recorded on Tuesday (7/14); the Analysis is still Relevant Today
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Silver Chart : Worlds largest bullish “Cup & Handle” pattern in play?
Market Watch - Gold settles lower, at a ‘technical tipping point’
Bloomberg - Puerto Rico Closer to Default After Missed Funds Transfer
Sovereign Man - Debt is the barbarous relic. Not gold.
Zero Hedge - BofA Confused "Why People Would Wake Up One Morning And Decide To Panic"
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : PHYS.org - New system changes the shape of things to come in biomolecular delivery
GoldMoney - Credit deflation and gold
CHART : Visual Capitalist - The Historical Returns by Asset Class Over the Last Decade
The Armchair Theologian - The Biblical History of Silver Bullion
VIDEO : Perth Mint - Kangaroo Minted Gold Bars for Investors in New Packaging
ZeeNews - India Cuts Gold, Silver Import Tariff Value
Money Metals Exchange - Buying Gold On a Small Budget... Also, Could the Deflationists Be Right?
07/15/2015 - Bullion News
Alhambra Partners - The ‘Dollar’s’ Grand Masterpiece Almost In Full View
Inside Futures - The main trend for the U.S. dollar is lower.
Market Watch - The Tax Implications of Owning Gold
TWITTER : James Rickards - What did Ben Bernanke tell Mr. Rickards about every Action the Fed has done since 2008...
PDF : Gold Standard Institute - Journal Issue #55 - July 2015
mrt - Online precious metal dealer receives over 100 complaints
Perth Mint Research - Perth Mint sales surge on back of US Mint shortage
GoldReporter.de - Bank of America: Gold "undervalued" for the first time since 2009 - Google Translation Link
Perth Mint Research - Perth Mint sales surge on back of US Mint shortage
MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Janet Yellen’s Latest Call: Commercial Real Estate Looks Pricey
SmartMoneyGuides - Money And Freedom
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - The Power of the Word
Deviant Investor - Silver Pretty, Silver Ugly
Resource Investing News - Palladium Price Forecasts Keep Falling
07/14/2015 - Bullion News
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Nifty Charts - Gold Chart Analysis
Perth Mint Research - China to control the gold price, but with physical or paper?
The Speculative Investor - Gold Commitments of Traders (COT) Nonsense
Kitco - Analysts: Gold/Silver Ratio May Remain At Elevated Levels
Reuters - Gold falls as the dollar pares losses ahead of Yellen's testimony
MINING - Last time hedge funds were this bearish gold price was $600
AUDIO : Sovereign Man - Banking, as we know it, will not exist in 10 years
Modern Coin Blog - Jack and Ike: The 40 Percent Club Short Set
VIDEO : CNBC - Foiled again! Economy not cooperating with the Fed
CHARTS : dshort - NFIB: "Small Business Takes Significant Hit in June"
CHARTS : National Inflation Assoc. - America’s Health Care Inflation Crisis
CHARTS : My Budget 360 - The oncoming disaster in public pensions: The $4 trillion retirement savings deficit and the bill of payouts for pensioners
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - 3 Strikes You’re Out! Greece, China & Puerto Rico
07/13/2015 - Bullion News
Numismatic News - Silver Demand Soars
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Silver Phoenix 500 - Perth Mint Gold and Silver Bullion Sales Jump in June
CoinNews - Perth Mint Gold and Silver Bullion Sales Jump in June
Numismatic News - Take Delivery of Your Gold
Money Metals Exchange - How to Obtain Silver Coins and Rounds in Short Supply
Perth Mint Research - The Texas bullion depository is not a joke
GoldSeek - SWOT Analysis: Short Gold Speculative Positions at Extreme Level
SRSrocco Report - Gold Eagle Sales Surge Due To Financial Turmoil
VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: The Fed's Quandary
MoneyBeat (WSJ) - The Fed’s Journey into Neverland
Wolf Street - Despite Wall Street Conniptions, Another Fed Dove Caves
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - The Dollar is Slowly Losing its Status as the Primary Reserve Currency
Reuters - Greek PM Tspiras faces party revolt over bailout deal
Zero Hedge - Why GM Is Back Below Its IPO Price, Part 2 - Chinese Auto Sales Collapse At Fastest Rate In 3 Years
International Man - Cashtration
SD Bullion - 4.8 star Customer Reviews
07/12/2015 - Bullion News
Sunshine Profits - Is Gold a Commodity or Currency?
The Sovereign Investor - How to Prepare For a Global Financial Crisis With Gold
Gold-Eagle - Shanghai-Hong Kong gold link launches
OA online - BBB: Precious metal dealer racks up complaints
Reuters - For Indians, paper gold can't beat the real thing
SRSrocco Report - Major Buyers Continue To Stockpile Silver As U.S. Silver Imports Surge In April
Business Recorder - Platinum, palladium set for rebound before falling again
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : zentrader - The Ultimate S&P 500 Support Level
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CEO.CA - Gold Futures Positioning Reaches “Buy Zone”
News Moving Markets - Bank Of Canada Doesn't Have Much Breathing Room When It Comes To Rates
Keith Weiner Economics - The Great FreedomFest Debate Was Like Watching Tom and Jerry
KFVS12 - FBI: Victims of AZ gold-fraud suspect sought nationwide
07/10/2015 - Bullion News
The Cobden Centre - There's Your Hyperinflation! - I compared two archetypal retirees. Clarence retired with $100,000 in 1979, and Larry retired with $1,000,000 in 2014. Clarence was able to earn 2/3 of the median income in interest on his savings. Larry was nowhere near that...
Reuters - London's domination of precious metal benchmarks at risk
Notes from Underground - The Only Good Commie Is the One That Hates the RED of a Down Market
Perth Mint Research - Silver coin shortages, again
CANCER RESEARCH : Daily Mail - Golden Chance to Save Prostate Cancer Victims
AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Dan Norcini Exclusive: China Crash Is the Sleeper Issue
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Clive Maund - CHINA CRISIS - hyperoversold condition calls for bounce - target...
Bloomberg - This Is Why So Many Chinese Companies Are Suspended
Wonk Blog - What China’s nerve-wracking stock market looks like from inside the country
The Speculative Investor - Currency devaluation, the most destructive policy of all
VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli Rants about Price Discovery
The Deviant Investor - Train Wrecks Past and Future
07/09/2015 - Bullion News
Perth Mint Research - Is Confidence More Precious than Gold: Impact of China Crisis on Gold
GoldReporter.de - Gold Producers are Waiting for Gold Price Increase - Google Translation Link
CHART : Zero Hedge - Trouble A'brewing; This Time It Is Different
INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - The Silver Series: World’s Growing Demand For Silver
CNNMoney - America's Stock Market is Shrinking
VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli asks whether investor returns are becoming an entitlement
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Street Talk Live - 3 Things: Correction, Interest Rates & Oil Prices
Bullion Vault - Gold Bullion 'Caught in China Storm', Rallies with Equities as Eurozone Splits Over Cutting Greek Debt
Market Watch - China wants to steal gold-market ‘reins’ from New York, London
Money Metals Exchange - U.S. Economy Slouches toward Recession as Eurozone Crisis Widens
Market Watch - Here’s how much Greece owes Germany, others
REWIND : VIDEO : LeakSource - How Greece Got
The New York Times - Consumer Borrowing Hits a Record $3.4 Trillion
CHARTS : dshort - The Median Household Income Rose Again in May
TIME - Why the Average American May Be Worse Off Than Greece
CATO Institute - Yet More Empirical Evidence That Yes, Federal Student Aid Fuels College Price Inflation
07/08/2015 - Bullion News
miningmx - What Happened to Gold's Safe-Haven Status?
VIDEO : Notes From Underground - Santelli Exchange — Debt & Global Bond Markets
FAKE BULLION ALERT : Perth Mint - Another Fake Minted Bar To Beware of...
Money Metals Exchange - MARKET ALERT: U.S. Mint Suspends Silver Eagles Sales
AUDIO : The Goddard Report - Interview with Chris Vermeulen : Crude Prices Likely to Crash? | US Dollar Set to Soar Again?
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : AZO NANO - Magnetic Nanoparticles Increase Body Temperature to Combat Cancer
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Double Top, back at 2007 levels? Risk off time again?
Dollar Collapse - Can You Imagine The Fed Raising Rates In This World?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Deviant Investor - Gold Up & S&P Down?
Bullion Star - China Rapidly Changing International Gold Market
CHARTS : Perth Mint Research - Gold’s strength in face of market sell off, is the bottom in?
INFO~GRAPHIC : BNN - Canadian Recession Chatter Gets Louder
GRAPHIC : Business Insider - This map shows what $100 is actually worth in your state
07/06/2015 - Bullion News
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Investing - Gold: It’s Groundhog Day All Over Again
Daily Reckoning - A Tale of Two Crises by James Rickards
GoldSeek - SWOT Analysis: Shanghai Gold Exchange Will Allow Foreign Currency and Bonds as Collateral for Gold Transactions
Thoughtful Cynic - Greek Suffering – Just a TV Show in the US - A View of What is Happening Inside Greece from a Blogger
The New York Times - Germany Sticks to a Hard Line as Greece Changes Finance Chief
Numismatic News - Gold Coin Demand Rises
CHARTS : Street Talk Live - The Fed's Window For Hiking Rates Continues To Close
The Sovereign Investor - What Happened to the Interest Rate Hike?
CHARTS : Hambone's Stuff - Global & US Population Growth and Fertility Rates Slow...Debt, Leverage, and Derivatives Skyrocket
CHARTS : dshort - The Labor Market Conditions Index for June Shows Weak Expansion
GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - July 6, 2015
BullionStar - How Much Are Chinese Gold Reserves?
SilverSeek - New technology using silver may hold key to electronics advances
Sovereign Man - Introducing the latest country that PAYS you to BORROW money
07/05/2015 - Bullion News
ALERT : About.Ag - Bullion Direct/Nucleo - Out of Business, Insolvent!
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : King One Eye - How Low Will $SILVER Go?
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : GoldSilverWorlds - Gold And Silver At Make Or Break Level
Daily Mail - Meltdown threatens EU as Greece delivers resounding 'No' to crippling cuts and heads for euro exit
CoinWorld - U.S. standard .900 silver alloy in coins may change under legislation - if it becomes law, would render moot a congressionally mandated study under the American Eagle Palladium Bullion Coin Act of 2010, Public Law 111-103
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : Herald Courier - Veterinary cancer trials may help with human treatments
Free Market Cafe - Cash Is Still King
Zero Hedge - Gold Bullion Dealer Unexpectedly "Suspends Operations" Due To "Significant Transactional Delays"
Reuters - RBI, govt in talks to scrap import curbs on gold-silver alloy
Economic Times - Gold prices at deep discounts on sluggish demand
BullionStar - Global Financial Turmoil, Gold Price Doesn’t Move
07/03/2015 - Bullion News
Sunshine Profits - The Complex Nature of Gold
Kitco - Currency Wars: Which Currency Played Out Best For Gold?
Market Watch - Opinion: The real reason gold has been falling
Gold-Eagle - Is Gold Really Manipulated? Or, Are You Being Manipulated?
SRSrocco Report - World’s Largest Silver Producer Down A Stunning 12%
VIDEO : Reuters - CME to shutter trading pits after 167 years - The way it used to be...told from a Man in the Trading Pit
GOLD NANO-PARTICLES : EuropeonCEO - Midatech: on track to become a leading profitable biopharmaceutical company
The New York Times - Despair and Anger as Puerto Ricans Cope With Debt Crisis
MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Greece’s Debt - The Numbers
The Independent - Greece crisis: This is what will happen if Greece runs out of money and has to reinstate the drachma
The Deviant Investor - It Takes A Village
The Sovereign Investor - Paying For Our Freedom
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07/02/2015 - Bullion News
MoneyBeat (WSJ) - What Jobs Data Say About U.S. Power, and Other Lessons of 18 Years
Kitco - 100% Surge In Gold & Silver Coin Sales – U.S. Mint
MineWeb - Platinum sector faces crunch time
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Forbes - Why You Should Watch This Giant Chart Pattern In Gold And Silver
Sputnik News - Puerto Rico, Chicago, Detroit: Is the US Set to Be the Next Greece?
The BRICS POST - $100bn BRICS monetary fund to be operational in 30 days
Finance Magnates - China Wants Gold Price Fixed to Shanghai Yuan Rate, Dethroning London
Mauldin Economics - “It Could Never Happen Here”
The Sovereign Investor - What Happens in a Dollar Collapse?
JasonZweig - The Risk Is Not in Our Funds, But in Ourselves - Investing is not a battle against the markets; it’s a battle against yourself.
Money Morning - Is Silver a Good Investment Today?
CHARTS : National Inflation Assoc. - Central Bank Balance Sheet Assets Hit Record High!
Perth Mint Research - Mea culpa on OCC derivatives
07/01/2015 - Bullion News
SAXO TV - What's Wrong with Gold? - A Breakdown of Gold's Past, Present and Future...
The Globe and Mail - World’s best gold forecaster is solidly bearish on bullion
CHARTS : dshort - The Q Ratio and Market Valuation: June Update
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CEO.CA - Futures Speculators are Still Too Bullish on Gold
VIDEO : Bloomberg - Merkel-Tsipras Sparring Leaves Greece in Limbo Until Sunday Vote
Wealth Daily - Why the "Smart" Money is Stupid
AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Paper Castles and 21st Century Feudalism
CHARTS : GoldReporter.de - US coins: gold and silver sales in June rose sharply
CoinNews - US Mint Bullion Sales Soar in June; Mixed in First Half of 2015
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