Homepage / Archived News or Quarterly News / 1st Quarter 2013
When investing in any market, a good way to judge price movement in the future is to learn from the past.
This page provides a comprehensive overview of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium during the quarter.
For each of the precious metals, you'll find charts. Below the charts, you will find Bullion News Headlines from the 1st Quarter of 2013. Every news link was originally posted on this guide's homepage.
The charts below are provided courtesy of www.stockcharts.com.
Gold Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2011 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
The current events of this quarter had a major effect on the gold market. This quarter, "Sequester," also known as "U.S. Budget Sequestration" or "Spending Cuts," was the buzzword. The vote to sequester was due on March 1.
There were mixed feelings about how the Sequester would affect the precious metals markets if enacted.
Why was the implementation of the Sequester (Budget cuts) detrimental to gold? Since the Fed is producing money (QE) every day and the U.S. government is heavily indebted, every budget cut in the United States will help boost the dollar and hurt gold's price.
Prior to an agreement to implement the Sequester, a negative pattern known as a "Death Cross" appeared in the gold charts. However, the price of gold managed to maintain its position above its support level ($1550.00) for the quarter, despite the fact that the implementation of the budget cuts had a negative impact on the price.
Gold Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2013 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Gold Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2012 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
Silver Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2011 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
Silver Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2013 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
The price chart of silver is similar to that of gold. When it appeared that the "Sequester" was finalized, it caused all of the precious metals to plummet.
Nevertheless, similar to gold, the prices of the other precious metals remained above their main support levels.
Silver Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2012 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
Platinum Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2011 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
The price chart of Platinum is similar to that of gold. When it appeared
that the "Sequester" was finalized, it caused all of the precious metals
to plummet.
Nevertheless, similar to gold, the prices of the other precious metals remained above their main support levels.
Platinum Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2013 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
Platinum Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2012 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
Palladium Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2011 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
Palladium's spot price was mostly positive for the quarter. Even though the U.S. Budget Sequestration did cause a dip in the price of palladium at the end of February, it did not affect its overall positive uptrend.
Palladium Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2013 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
Palladium Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2012 - Mar. 31st, 2013)
Bullion News
The charts above are provided courtesy of
The Quarterly News starts with the end of the quarter articles, first.
Please be aware that not all of the links below are working; they have been retained because the headlines provide information on the state of the markets at the time.
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