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May 2023
Monthly Newsletter


I hope you and your family had a good April and Easter Holiday, I hope you are staying well and safe.   

Thank you for subscribing to receive this newsletter from the Free Bullion Investment Guide.

Updates to the Guide...

The one notable update I made last month was bringing back the Archangel Raphael - Angel of Healing page, which I accidentally erased when I closed the Angel of Healing Fund in January. 

Now, I know this page has virtually nothing to do with bullion; however, before I erased it, the page was regularly a top ten page, and with all we've been dealing with in these times, it's not surprising.

If you're not new to this newsletter and guide, you likely know that I am a Christian and have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I consider myself "born-again." 

Even though over the last 7-months I have acted anything but, however, I'd also likely be in a very ugly place right now if it wasn't for my faith. 

The phrase that I've tried to keep in my mind during this time is:   If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. - Proverbs 3:4-6 (TLB)   (I just gotta follow it better than I have recently.)

Outside of adding the Angel of Healing page, I mostly just did link maintenance, e.g., making sure the links on the guide work correctly for its visitors: you.

My take on the Market

The United States Federal Reserve has finally done it.

They've raised the Federal Funds Rate higher than the rate of inflation - click links for data.

I'm all for this and believe that as long as a recession or banking collapse doesn't happen, we'll continue to see the rate of inflation drop as long as the interest rate stays higher than the inflation rate. 

In a perfect world, this will likely not be so good for the gold and silver markets in the long run. 

However, in this far-from-perfect world, we have a market cratering on out-of-control spending and debt, and although the high-interest rates should bring down the rate of inflation, it will also make the debt more and more toxic.  

That is why everyone should own a little gold and silver (at least 10% of savings) because they are not toxic, they act as insurance for your savings to hold their value in times like these.

Affiliate Specials

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Universal Coin

One Last Thing...

No matter what age you are, no matter where you are in life, the best thing you can do is get your heart and soul right with the Son of God - Jesus Christ.  If you question that Jesus is God, pray to him (in his name).

If you did this, I know he answered you or will, depending on the goodness(edit) of the prayer.  Thank him when the prayer is answered, and keep talking to him, he wants to have a relationship with you.  One thing to remember, sometimes no answer, is the answer, you just have to figure out why you didn't receive an answer.

We all know that this life will not last forever, but your spirit does, Jesus will give you eternal life all you have to do is believe.  Learn about Jesus Christ and how his death and resurrection(edit) defeated eternal death so that you could have eternal life - here.   

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father [God] except through me.    John 14:6

Until next month, Thank you for your time and for your support.

Take Care & God Bless,
Steven Warrenfeltz

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Bullion News on the Homepage

March 2025



Gold & Silver Mexican Libertad

Gold Libertads

2024 - 1oz Mexican Gold Libertad Bullion Coin - Reverse side

Silver Libertads

1oz. Mexican Silver Libertad Bullion Coin - Reverse side

Chinese Gold Coin Group Co.
& Chinese Bullion

Chinese Bullion page


Refiner page


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Johnson Matthey Refiner page

Johnson Matthey

Engelhard Refiner page

Silver Engelhard Round

Gold & Silver Chinese Panda

Gold Pandas

2025 30gram Chinese Gold Panda Bullion Coin - Reverse Side

Silver Panda

2025 30gram Chinese Silver Panda Bullion Coin - Reverse Side

Gold Buying Guide

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Archangel Raphael
The Angel of Healing

Archangel Raphael ~ The Angel of Healing

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Cancer Awareness Month Ribbon with FBIG Gold-Nano Logo

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Graphic: Silver Mining Production in Q4 2024: Key Highlights and Trends - Mining Visuals

The world’s second-largest gold storage suddenly has very long lines to withdraw bars - CNN

The Surprising History of Tariffs and Their Role in U.S. Economic Policy - U.S. Global Investors

Here’s why Goldman Sachs sees further upside in gold prices - invezz

(.pdf) Report: Monthly Gold Compass - February 2025 - incrementum

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Video: 'Pawn Stars' personality calls gold market 'absolutely nuts' - Fox Business (YouTube)

South Korea’s mint halts gold bar sales as supply tightens - MINING.COM

Report: Gold Demand Trends: Full Year 2024 - World Gold Council

(.pdf) Report: The United States Mint: 2024 Annual Report - US Mint

Gold Price: 2025 Is the New 2011 - GoldPriceForecast

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(.pdf) Market Trend Report: Price Sensitivity of Above-Ground Silver Stocks - The Silver Institute

Video: Luke Gromen: Why the CIA Doesn’t Want You Owning Gold, & Is Fort Knox Lying About Our Gold Reserve? - Tucker Carlson

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Halodule Uninervis Extract Enables Green Synthesis Of Anticancer Gold Nanoparticles - The Pinnacle Gazette

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All Articles were Originally Posted on the Homepage